the things your chickens WILL NOT eat

They dont like bananas or raw carrots. I haven't tried cooking the carrots yet. My boxer followed behind them and ate all the banana they left on the ground.
At least it didn't go to waste.
Mine love Grapes and all soft fruit but are very wary as regards cooked corn on the cob and baked potato skins!!
Mine will eat cabbage (or cabbage-type veggies like Brussels sprouts or kale) like there is no tomorrow. Tried them on raw pumpkin, but they wouldn't touch it until I used the shells to feed other treats, then they ate some (probably by accident)!
Will only eat leafy greens, lettuce, cabbage... during the winter. This time of year if I try to give them any as a treat, I get the evil eye. Nothing like having 20 chickens look at you with disgust and dissapointment!
There's stuff they DONT eat?

I should bring the girls in and have them read this.... I don't think there is anything this new group has turned down!

My old group didnt like fish lol But this new flock <with the 2 from prior flock> have decided that if I have the nerve to come outside with a tuna sandwich...I am required to share.

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