the things your chickens WILL NOT eat

Ours will not eat strawberries (unless the it is the ONLY treat that day) carrots, cooked or raw, banana, mango.. unless a small hole is started.. then they will eat it down to the bare seed.. but they will not touch sliced mango.

Nor will they touch their new pellets. ARG.. don't they know it's a LOCAL organic blend? Only when I add milk and make a mush will they eat it.
My girls are picky and have "sweet beaks"! They love grapes, blueberries, melon, yogurt and strawberries. They will also eat canned corn, garbonzo beans and peas from the garden...HATE bananas and wont touch sweet pototoes or cucumbers either!
Are my chicks the only ones who WILL NOT touch BOSS? They aren't crazy about leafy greens either. They LOVE cantaloupe, watermelon, and of course their beloved mealworms.
ours don't seem to like worms either. slugs, centipedes and beetles are all good though. and sprouts they won't touch either. they got a heap of leftover noodles with sprouts mixed in with them and ate all the noodles leaving behind a pile of sprouts.

i filled up an old onion bag with fruit bread the other day and hung it up at head height for them. they were scared of it, wouldn't go near it or touch it. finally after a few days i took it down and emptied the bread onto the ground and they all came running and ate the lot...
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The things my girls will not eat:

Any type of fruit. Grapes, watermelon, strawberries, anything. (actually they like raisens but that is it)
Any type of veggies (but they will eat corn, that's it though)

Really.. My girls won't eat any treats I put out for them unless it's tri tip! They are total carnivors.. Very very picky eaters. I've tried a bunch of stuff to no avail. Maybe it would be easier to list what they WILL eat haha!

Raw Oatmeal (won't touch cooked)

and that's about it for their treats, they don't like much else haha.

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