The tiny serama; a Hatching adventure

Thanks for the compliment but Im not that experienced. I only had broodies in 5 separate years. Sometimes 2 broodies on one nest or 2 simultaneous broodies on 2 nests next to each other.

This spring will be my 6th year of anxiously waiting for those very much wanted tiny fluffies. Never had a hatch this early in spring. And it’s a first time for Kraai (my new Avatar). I gave her 6 Sulmtaler eggs last Friday and so far she is very committed.
6 years is a lot more experience than what I have under my belt currently! I've been reading up on everything concerning broodies for about seven years now, but when it comes to sheer experience, I have less than a year of it. 1 unsuccessful attempt from Cruella, 2 successful attempts from Cruella, one semi-successful attempt from Ursula (she abandoned her eggs to co-mother with Cruella, I'm counting that as half of a successful broody attempt), and an unsuccessful attempt by a proven broody gifted to me by an acquaintance 2 (3?) years ago
5 days since Lady Gaga has been added, and I've noticed a slight increase in production. We're about 2 weeks away from egg collection, so hopefully they'll lay even more by then (as long as it doesn't negatively affect their health). The current math is around 13 eggs for 10 days of egg collection. I've not checked for fertility
OK peeps, I got a question for you! Especially for WoDia who has first hand experience. Should I do quail leg bands, or chicken leg bands? Since it's mainly for juveniles, I'm thinking quail. Also, should I do blue, pink, green, or orange?
I'd probably go for quail-sized, but on the jumbo side. And colour is all up to you! Get multiples so you can tell at a glance who's who.
I'd probably go for quail-sized, but on the jumbo side. And colour is all up to you! Get multiples so you can tell at a glance who's who.

There does not seem to be a jumbo quail option. Not sure I want to band everybody, I'm mostly wanting them for identifying the keepers, or marking one bird for whatever reason. They're pretty cheap though, so I might get multiple colours like you suggested
There does not seem to be a jumbo quail option. Not sure I want to band everybody, I'm mostly wanting them for identifying the keepers, or marking one bird for whatever reason. They're pretty cheap though, so I might get multiple colours like you suggested
I usually just get zip ties.
The stuff is ordered, I couldn't wait:oops:. Went for blue quail leg bands. I also found plastic egg holders! I'll be using them for both egg storage, and placing the eggs when it's time for lockdown, like pipd suggested. They seem big enough, so I'll have room to place the eggs on their sides, making it more natural for the eggs, but also avoiding the eggs from getting rolled around when their siblings hatch. I went for blue again, to match the colour of Electric Lady. Well, the parts of her that aren't see through, at least

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