The UPS Guy REALLY ticked me off....


12 Years
Sep 19, 2007
Poolville, TX
So, earlier I'm sitting here enjoying BYC when I hear my labs barking. I look out the window to see the UPS guy. I think to myself, I've given him the code to my gate twice so he can let himself in. Next thing I know there is a BANG, BANG, BANG on my door, I mean LOUD I thought he was going to break my front glass on my door. By the time I make it to my door he is already turned and walking back up the drive. I say thank you. He turns and is SO rude to me. He says I sit up there and blow and blow I don't know what else to do. I say didn't I give you the code? He says to tell you the truth I don't know if you did or didn't. I'm like I did, TWICE, you jerk AND I saw you write it down. He said that was a gooseneck hitch and it was heavy, I don't know what else to do. They have left packages out in the pasture by an oak tree before. I didn't ask him to carry it down here. What a jack***. He really ticked me off.

Evidentally, he doen't know that I am one of those "sweet, little, Southern woman" that is made of gunpowder and lead. As Miranda Lambert would say, "he hadn't seen me crazy yet".
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Report him, they are not allowed to be rude to the customers. He will get a reprimand and after 3 , I think, they are in big trouble! I have a son in law that works for them .
You don't deserve that...if it were not for us they would not have a job!
I ended up hanging a milk crate down at my gate as I had the same problems. Now I have a sign on it saying to leave packages there. If I know I'm getting one that needs a signature, I put a note saying please leave my package and sign it. Never had any problems since....
ups hates me too, on my street the addresses aren't in order, not even close, all the drivers fuss like i'm the one who choose the number, the county address cordnator does, you think they get use to it since they're out here everyday
You know, the more this sinks into my hide, the more ticked I get because what if my little one was taking a nap. She has had this stomach flu junk, you know the FUN one, and he comes banging on the door like that. SO RUDE. I didn't ask him to carry that heavy package down here. All he had to do was look at his card that he writes all the gate codes on and look for my address and viola, open gate. I've given it to him twice already. I hope I never see that jerk again.
My mom and dad's UPS man will stop, even when he doesn't have a delivery at their house, so he can give my dad's dog a doggie treat. He's a sweet man.

My son works at the UPS store and he's always telling me about how labeling doesn't mean anything when you label "fragile" and those type. After you leave all packages are handled the same.
My eggies from Florida clearly stated "This side up" and they totally disregarded that. I had runny egg in the upper corner where the box had been sitting upside down.

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