The vet accidently DECLAWED my CAT! >_<

Awww!!! Poor girl. At least the practice is taking it seriously. Everyone makes mistakes at work, it's just that in a medical field the mistakes have such impact. I would be more upset that my cat went through this horrific "procedure" than angry at the vets at this point. I'm glad they're doing the other surgery pro bono.
at the practice i worked in, the started using a laser to declaw the cats, it was such a change, the cats did great after surgery, the laser killed the nerves so it lessens pain and swelling afterwards, it really made a difference and it was as bome chilling as the crunch sound the gilatene method did, i know how things get mixed up even in nursing, we have so many check points to keep mistakes from happening but they still do, you can still let the cat outside if you are with her but if you're close to a road it doesn't matter if she can climb a tree or not, i cringe when i see poor cats laying along the road!

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