The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Quick question, my Cackle welsummer squatted for me last week, at 19 weeks old. Her pelvic bones have a reasonable distance between them and her comb is pink and getting redder by the day. She's 20 weeks today, is that normal for a hatchery bird?
Interesting! I'm not complaining, that's for sure, I'm just surprised, given their reputation for keeping you waiting. Her skittishness has lessened as well, added bonus. She's far from being a lap chicken but she's not the total freak she used to be.

Anyhow, thanks for the info!
I have to chicks that are either pure welsummer, or welsummer golden comet cross. Can you tell if they are pullets or roos? I kept these two because they had more of an eyeliner and definition, but I couldn't tell for sure because they COULD be mixes. They are 1.5 weeks old now. Thanks!!!

I remember a while back there was some debate on how broody welsummers can be. It looks like I have hit the broody jackpot. I have two welsummers (hatchery from Ideal) that are 1 year old. The first, Wendy, is in her 4th week of taking care of the guinea keets she hatched. The second is currently sitting on some mixed eggs from the flock.

Not the breed I expected to be my broodies, I added LF Cochins and BO's for that. I'll take it, though!!
I have to chicks that are either pure welsummer, or welsummer golden comet cross. Can you tell if they are pullets or roos? I kept these two because they had more of an eyeliner and definition, but I couldn't tell for sure because they COULD be mixes. They are 1.5 weeks old now. Thanks!!!

 my guess. Funky head markings and greenish(?) legs/feet...who knows that cross they are, let alone gender.

First egg from my wellie, Wilson (I've got a Seahawks-themed flock). Twelfth Hen and Brandon Mebane are already laying, she's the last of the bunch, one day shy of 21 weeks. Great job little one! Just had to share.
does anyone know about the egg color of Welsummers from Sandhill? and i don't want the standard response of 'it won't be as dark as birds from a breeder'. has anyone actually seen the eggs from sandhill birds? or have sandhill birds?

thanks in advance. :)
and to followup - - i'm still looking for Welsummer chicks (day olds). if anyone could help out on that front, it'd be awesome. thanks, again.

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