The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I'll just peek in the window for leakers!

I do tend to sit in the dark in the garage and just watch those eggs....
We will enjoy the wait. Gotta get to the craft store and get my hatching trays started making.

Tripping down to Cincinnati for a couple days this week to orient the teen for her college and I guess she gets classes picked. We will see.

Keeping everything watered and fed in this heat is enough for me right now. Can you tell I just got in from mowing and am hot and tired.

Saw a couple of old time movies this morning. Both were good for the 4th!

The adults have orange eyes

and the chicks eyes look black
Not sure what they in between.
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Sorry Bonnie....I mis-read your post and when I was looking at the boys vs girls photo.

Oh and BTW..... if you don't want those boys from Opa don't be afraid to send them packin' my way.
Pinkchick, you made me laugh this morning when I clicked on the new posts and this came up. Only you would mark the boys with pink!

LOL....I didn't even notice. I am so used to using pink on everything that it doesn't even register with me anymore.
Good thing my chickens can't tell what color their bands and houses are!!!!
Pink chick, please post a photo of those PINK CHICKEN COOPS!!

I didn't realize the Boys were in pink, just thought it showed up well.

Opa, I am seeing GREEN EYES on my teen birds!

My NHR all had the orange eyes as late teens. Now I'm out to catch and look at the eyes of all 12 of those Wellies in the greenhouse!

Today's list to do:

Chicken chores
Find and haul a few bales of hay.
Get some totes for extra water for the pasture girls.
Go to Findlay U and get transcripts.
Going to Cincinnati tonight? So gotta set the chickens and alpacas up to run without care for Weds and Thurs as its a 5 hour trip.
Gas up the cars and check the oil again.
Oh, and catch those chickens and check their eye color!

Anybody else on Wellie eye color as they are growing up???????

Any comments at all on the teen wellie photos or of the ones of Cassidy? Am I right that Cassidy has good Wellie hen color now?

I always talk about how a Welsummers colors glisten in the sun and how stunning they are.......well here's why I love them sooooooo much.

Bonnie~ The eye color will be a greenish color as a chick and as they are growing, but normally by sexual maturity they have changed over to the color of Opa's roosters eyes. Hope this helps!
That is why I don't worry about chick eye color or plumage color unless its a blond or albino chick or has crooked toes, other than that, let them grow up first before culling the first round.

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