The Welsummer Thread!!!!

can you catch the 'now dominant' roo and take him out of the picture?
with the 'school bully' out of the way the other one may come out of hiding.
you can check him over and decide whether to separate him into retirement with a few of his favourite girls or have him over for sunday dinner
Umm... I still can't catch it...
grab him a night when he's roosting, that's the easiest way to catch any of them
I have my 1st broody Wellie this year. I've only had one go broody before this one, several years ago in fact. She has set on a dummy nest egg for 2 days now. If she's still on the nest this evening, I think I will put a few eggs under her and see what happens. Who knows??
ok here is an updated picture of what the hatchery gave me as my welsummer, I don't think that is what I got any thoughts.

The color makes me think it's a partridge pullet.  Probably a partridge Rock.  Where did you get it?

Meyer Hatchery, That is what I was thinking. Just upsets me I ordered a Welsummer and a Cuckoo Marans and this one I don't think is a Welsummer and my Cuckoo is a rooster I think. So no Chocolate eggs for me this round.
ok here is an updated picture of what the hatchery gave me as my welsummer, I don't think that is what I got any thoughts.

Partridge Rock....maybe. Or could just be a Welsummer with the incorrect color pattern. I have seen some pretty bad looking hatchery Welsummers. You can wait and see what her eggs look like I guess. If you're just looking for dark eggs, she might give you those. But wouldn't be recommended for breeding.
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