The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Well my 2 Wellie breeder roos decided to have a death march this last weekend. The dominant roo lost his position as king of the coop. When I found them going at it they were both covered in mud from the rains we had over the weekend and bloody from head to toe. It's been 2 days since the fight the former dominant roo seems to be hiding out underneath and inside the coop. It's strange because the formally #2 roo had never to my knowledge contested for dominance. They were even hatch mates. I'd just assume they get along, but guess it looks like that is out of the question.

Oh no, that's not good.
Well my 2 Wellie breeder roos decided to have a death march this last weekend. The dominant roo lost his position as king of the coop. When I found them going at it they were both covered in mud from the rains we had over the weekend and bloody from head to toe. It's been 2 days since the fight the former dominant roo seems to be hiding out underneath and inside the coop. It's strange because the formally #2 roo had never to my knowledge contested for dominance. They were even hatch mates. I'd just assume they get along, but guess it looks like that is out of the question.
after I read the whole thing, I realized you meant death match, not death march lol. A death march would have been worse!

what do you all think of this pullet?
Nice deep color of breast. It is most likely the way she is standing, but do you see how her knees are pointing toward one another? You may want to check her for vulture hocks. The bird in the background has nice straight legs. When submitting birds for critiquing, it's best to submit a profile picture. That way we can see the angles and view depth of breast.
the shot of the hen that has her head turned away - a little too much penciling in the hackles. How old are these guys? They don't look like they've "filled out" all the way yet.
Umm... I still can't catch it...

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