The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I'm hoping he is a roo. His markings are much different from the hens who are getting bronze breast feathers and not loosing their eye liner. In a world where people do not favor roosters I really like them. My roos stay home. With thirty acres I can always make room for them. You can see my other 3 Wellys in this picture. One of the little hens is standing next to a suspected roo. You sure can tell a difference when they are standing side by side.
Ooo! I am thinking roo too. Look at that comb. I cannot see the feet, but I bet that they are larger and thicker than your girls.
So I don't have room to keep twenty juveniles and watch them all grow out. I wish I did, but I will have to sell some of the pullets locally as pets/egg layers. Once they are feathered juveniles, what qualities and faults should I look for to make my decisions?











My F2 generation pullets are finally laying !
I just bought myself 8 straight run welsummers chicks about an hour ago after reading all this. Sounds like great birds.

So... Welsummers are autosexing. You can tell if they're pullets or cockerels as soon as they hatch. It's not a breed that's usually sold "straight run" for that reason. I hope you got a good price!

They're great birds; I love mine!

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