The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Melissa, I am glad to hear that you flock is friendly toward each other. I have Welsummers, Dominiques, Blue Ansalusians and Blue Laced Red Wyandotts together.
I thought the Dominiques would be more layed back than they are but not so. They are all only one month old. I plan to keep only two roosters, a wellie and a dom and I bet the Dom will be alpha. Too bad but if your Lt Brahma is top roo and the Wellie stepped back, well I guess the Wellie is a better politician. LOL "Let the other guy take the heat"
I would like to see a pic of your group. Every once in awhile the Wellie will step out of line and the Brahma puts him right back in line. (enough said)

I wouldn't be surprised if you Dom turns out to be the man in charge. But time will tell!
Outback hatcher Your birds are pretty and I am sure that the eggs are fertile. Are you addicted to hatching. I know I am and it is a big problem but so much fun that I am finding it hard to quit. My next batch MUST be my last for a long time since I have really too many birds already. I did sell 4 pullets today so that IS a help !
Mountain Sunshine and Outback`
Congrats on the Wellies and thanks for posting pics and sharing your lovely birds and babies......they're great!

I finally got 2 Wellie eggs yesterday!!!!!!! #12 layed her first egg yesterday.....she even did it in the nest box. Egg color was great but no speckles.....I hope she gives me the speckled ones and is not just a smooth color gal. She will be 20 weeks old on June 19th.
Congrats Pink! And 20 weeks, WOW, that's early!

for speckles. I have 1 girl that is on and off in her speckles. But when they're speckled, they're really speckled.
Thanks Chooks! Yep she's an early bird! Remember she was the only pullet that hatched out of that batch of eggs. 9 roos and 1 girl......GOOD GRIEF! Another 2.5 months and the other 3 younger gals should start laying. Can't wait! Not having all those pretty Wellie eggs is about to kill me!

I personally love the speckled ones....just something about the smooth colored eggs that doesn't work for me. I like the depth that the speckles add to the egg.

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