The Welsummer Thread!!!!

I remember seeing those in my first Wellie roos and getting all worried. They are normal and written into the standard.

Me too, isn't that funny....
Best investment I made was the SOP book.
Dry Ice bucket????????

I've heard that some are not happy with the egg color of their birds from a hatchery and then I have heard some are. I have no experience with hatchery Wellies so hopefully someone who does will come by and help you out.
Dry Ice dsolves into carbon dioxide, I have read that when you place a chunk of it in the bottom of a trash can (bucket or any container with a lid) and then some kind of rack such as is used as a shelf in an over, the carbon dioxide puts the birds to sleep just like carbon monoxide. There is a post somewhere on BYC which discusses this process. I have at least 10 roosters to cull and do not like the tried and true methods so I am about to use the DRY ICE BUCKET. btw my details may not be correct.........
Thanks for explaining! Told ya I don't always keep up!

I hear ya about the tried and true methods......I don't like them either but sometimes it is neccessary.
Thanks for explaining! Told ya I don't always keep up!

I hear ya about the tried and true methods......I don't like them either but sometimes it is neccessary.

Hey Pinkchick, I live in a smallish city and in fact am not allowed to have chickens or so I have been told. But usually if your neighbors do not complain to the police you can do most anything. Well I ordered staight run for my last time. Way to many males. The tried and true method is often necessary and of course I have used it and will again but this time and it is my FIRST time I just used the dry ice and will let you know the results later after my feelings settle down. I had some one come over and help me round them up and it helped but I still do not feel good about this. None of my Welsummer rooster will I see grow up until I move to an area which is rural.
Thanks for explaining! Told ya I don't always keep up!

I hear ya about the tried and true methods......I don't like them either but sometimes it is neccessary.

Hey Pinkchick, I live in a smallish city and in fact am not allowed to have chickens or so I have been told. But usually if your neighbors do not complain to the police you can do most anything. Well I ordered staight run for my last time. Way to many males. The tried and true method is often necessary and of course I have used it and will again but this time and it is my FIRST time I just used the dry ice and will let you know the results later after my feelings settle down. I had some one come over and help me round them up and it helped but I still do not feel good about this. None of my Welsummer rooster will I see grow up until I move to an area which is rural.

I totally understand Flower, it is a very hard thing to do.....the first time I had to cull I cried for days about it. Hope you have a great day and are feeling better soon.
Thanks for explaining! Told ya I don't always keep up!

I hear ya about the tried and true methods......I don't like them either but sometimes it is neccessary.

Hey Pinkchick, I live in a smallish city and in fact am not allowed to have chickens or so I have been told. But usually if your neighbors do not complain to the police you can do most anything. Well I ordered staight run for my last time. Way to many males. The tried and true method is often necessary and of course I have used it and will again but this time and it is my FIRST time I just used the dry ice and will let you know the results later after my feelings settle down. I had some one come over and help me round them up and it helped but I still do not feel good about this. None of my Welsummer rooster will I see grow up until I move to an area which is rural.

I know how you feel.
It's very hard to do. I was literally shaking I was so upset about it. I just kept telling myself they had a better life with me than they would have had at a meat bird facility.
I don't think I like the sound of the "dry ice method". Suffocating birds hardly seems humane to me. Seems like they would suffer a lot more trying to breathe, than to be put down quickly through a tried and true method. Don't get me wrong, I hate to see any of them suffer, but if they have to be culled, then I prefer to do it as quickly and painlessly for them as possible.
Sorry to get you off of the "topic", but isn't there a way to sex the chicks right when they're hatched by their color? What's the trick? Could you show me pictures? I've been wanting to hatch welsummers out because they're a true breed and you can sex them that early.
You can pretty accurately go off of the V on the head and the eyeliner. Females have a defined V on their head, and eyeliner with this mark < behind their eyes. Males tend to have messier V's on their heads and a smudge behind their eyes. And as soon as the chest feathers come in, you'll know for sure. Females feather in salmon colored and males are dark black and brown.

Not the greatest shot for showing this, but the male is on the far left (next to the BR male) and the 2 pullets are on the right.

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