The Welsummer Thread!!!!

Question for you Nate or anyone else that has the bantams. Do have fertiltiy issue with them-we have Partridge Bantam Cochins that DS(8) picked for 4-H and we trimmed both the boys and girls on the back but the eggs are unfertile, will be adding some eggs to this next incuabtion(probably today) to check. We see the roosters mating the hens but no fertile eggs-just curious as I might have to relearn how to AI this group.
Cochins are heavy feathered so are Orps.

Can you trim a bit of their posteriors?? That way the roo would hit his mark and the hen will receive the bullets without any feathers interfering the mating process to get some fertile eggs.

And how old are the roos? The older they are, less sperm they will produce. That is what I've heard but not sure if that is a very surefire way.
We did trim a good amount of their posteriors, they are all 10 months old now but we don't see the boys jumping on the girls as much(this what the kids tell me when they see it happen) as we do with the other breeds we have.

Could you guys check this out for me? I have a couple of questions and some petty bad news.. make that really bad news
That's be great! Here is the link --->
I agree with BirdNut. It is tough decisions but if you wanted to keep them all, then a bachelor pen or a pen for the hens themselves would be better until you have a better ratio of females.


I have a broody cochin and found some wellie hatching eggs just down the road. Looks like, with a bit of luck, i'll have me some chicks in a few weeks.
Where did you get your Welsummer Bantams from? Mark Montgomery?

Get a nice Welsummer bantam roo to go with them!

Remember there are two different lines of different origins (Germany and Dutch/Holland/Netherland lines).

Can you take actual pictures of them instead of the link? See if you can put it on here.

Good luck!

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