The Welsummer Thread!!!!

This should not be bred out and is normal coloring in the hackles for Welsummer pullets and hens.

About Cassidy and her slipped tendon....have you tried rolling the tendon with your thumb? I read somewhere that you could gently roll the tendon from the side of the knee joint back up and over the back of the knee where it is suppose to be located. In other words the tendon runs down the back of the leg. I hope she gets better for you.

Who , Had me worried. That is excaly what my wellies look like on thier hacles. Some a bit darker, some a bit lighter, but with the black in thier. I culled all the lighter hens, as they seemmed to be to salmon colored anyway. I was hoping I save the right ones. I like the contrast anway, so would keep hens laced like this over the salmon breasted light hackled hens.
Wish we had a Welsummer photo album instead of having to page through 400 odd pages to see all the chick/hen/roo photos! I love seeing the side by side examples of good roo bad roo!!etc.!
I read it over on poultry podiatry the link is

been trying to stretch it so it will roll back but I think that she did a little more than just pull the tendon. Now there is a large bump off to the side as well and its developing a sore. She cheeps in pain when I manipulate it, so it seems a little more.

I fear this little chickie's days are numbered. I'm giving her a few more days and then its euthanasia for her. As the other chicks start growing faster she is becoming a poor doer.

She's a beautiful little chick from a lovely large dark egg from Alabama. The other chick that hatched out of those 14 eggs was a small egg and a small chick. NOT FAIR as she was my 'firstborn'. So she gets to be my avatar.

I just remembered that I did a golden seal tea soak for some parrot chicks whose legs got chewed up by maurading parents trying to take over the nestbox, so I can try soaking her knee joint and see if that helps the swelling/sore a bit.

Stretching is the only thing that will work to lengthen that tendon.

Lost one of my two Wellie hens today.......not sure what happened.....went out to the coop and run this afternoon and she was huddled in a corner of the run.........picked her up and didn't see anything out of the ordinary other than she was discharging a white liquid from her mouth........set her down and she was wobbly and trying to use her wings to steady herself - put her up in a nestbox and within an hour she was gone.........she was just over a year old........she will be missed..
.....Here is a pic of my beautiful lil hen Lotte - the Wellie roosting.....

Ewesheep, I know it would be a lot of work, but is this something you could add to the Welsummer club webpage?? I know you already have the picture of my poor example with the hatchery welsummer roo I used to have on the club page. If others sent you photos would it be easy to add them?
Ewesheep, I know it would be a lot of work, but is this something you could add to the Welsummer club webpage?? I know you already have the picture of my poor example with the hatchery welsummer roo I used to have on the club page. If others sent you photos would it be easy to add them?

I wish I can do that but not very many people submit p hotographs of their "poor" Welsummers.

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