The Welsummer Thread!!!!

i got 25 pullet chicks from estes they look as good as the 100 plus i got from 2 local breeders
one of who got his from the shawnee show
but the ones from local breeders some have white leggs and other things
i'm also going to meet up with opa to get a rooster to breed into the estes pullets
then breed him back over his offspring to try and make them better by culling hard
this way i can play around with breeding lol
the reason i got so many chicks was to be able to cull down to 10 or so hens
for breeding and have a big layer pen
but i think i'll only breed from the estes pullets
as i think they are better but i am new to layers
i know this is the hard way of doing things
but i like being out in my backyard with the chickens and havinfun lol
i also wanted to say thanks to everyone on here
that help us with everything
i read this thread about every day trying to learn
and know alot more now than i did back 6 months ago
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morning everyone
rain here today and then again tonight, all the chickens have decided to hang in the coop today so the newest 2 will be picked on-it's interesting how the others make sure the new ones know they are on the bottom.

All our girls are now in varies stages of molt but we are still getting 3-4 eggs a day from them. The kids were thinking about entering in the Portage WI show but with the girls looking rough we won't, might go to look around and see though.

Hope all of you looking to add Welsummers to your flock have good luck finding some close to you!
Hello Welsummer-ites

I get my day old chicks at the beginning of October...Welsummers, easter eggers and a couple of silkies. well do your Welsummers get along with other breeds? All I'm getting are bantams (city regulations declare 10 square feet per bird so once the coop's two attached yards are in I'll be able to increase the flock to 24)...not allowed any roosters.
LOVE to hear they are calm, confident, and good laying birds. (the silkies are for my 85 year old Mom who still fondly remembers her banty rooster pet she had as a teenager). I wanted a mix of colored eggs to sell in half dozen cartons.
I can hardly wait for my chicks!!! NC ChickenKate
Who are you getting your chicks from? I've got some coming from Meyer Hatchery in mid-September. I know they won't be as good as from an individual breeder - but I'm a beginner, and I don't plan on breeding or showing them. I just want the dark/speckled eggs.
Hi Kate. I am pretty new to chickens - but my Wellies have gotten along well with others so far. I have a new flock of LF Welsummers, LF Ameraucanas and bantam dark brahmas. I got the Wellies and the Ameraucanas as day old chicks from Whitmore Farm, the Brahmas were several weeks older. We kept the two groups separated while they were in the brooders so the larger and older bantams wouldn't pick on the little guys. Once the coop was built and the Wellies/Ameraucanas were about 3/4 the size of the Brahmas, we put them all together. The Brahmas definitely hang out together, but none of the Wellies or the Ameraucanas has tried to bully the Brahmas, even though they are now 10 weeks old and larger than the Brahmas.

The only bully in the flock was a bantam buff brahma who was supposed to be a pullet and turned out to be a rooster. Ever since we got rid of Fred, all has been peaceful.
You'd think I'd be able to tell combs with 5 prongs, right? But I can't. I just don't know which "bits" count -- actual prongs and/or the inbetween-looking parts at each end? I'd sure appreciate some input from you Wellie breeders as to which of these cockerels I should use as my breeder. Cockerel A has a strange short prong that might eliminate him, but I don't know for sure. He is quite a bit bigger than Cockerel B. I think those white spots on Cockerel B are just from the flash, but I'll definitely go look, as I haven't noticed them before.

Cockerel A:

Cockerel B:

Both together (Cockerel A in back; B in front):

Looking forward to your input! Many thanks.

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