The Welsummer Thread!!!!

2 wellies out and 2 more pipped. Hatch day isn't until after 5PM, so these are early birds. Looks like a cockerel and a pullet so far. Kim, if you need more cockerels, I'd be happy to send you mine!

AWESOME! Congratulations! C'mon little chickies!!! I have lockdown coming up on Monday for hatch day on Thursday and I am bigtime hoping for some cockerels...I am sure I will get some. :)
Going to be taking another good look at our wellie chicks that were hatched in Jan this year- noticed that some of the cockeral have feather stubbs between their toes. We have them tagged based on which rooster they came from and I know which hens the younger rooster could have been out of. Thinking we might be doing some heavy duty culling as the problem with feather stubbs seems to be passed quite easily from one generation to the next.
I do find it interesting that we aren't seeing it on the pullets and hens, however everyone will be looked over good.

What line of Wellies do you have and I'm assuming they are LF, are they??
Of all the lines I have gotten in, not one feather stub between the toes, 23 roos, 16 hens...........really lucky, course, lots of them are from Opa.......
Royce, I am seeing yellow legs but they have the dotted red stripe down them like on the below mentioned one. I'm guessing this is normal for Wellies as every one of the roos I have and all those different lines.....

You mention more brown in lower feathers on wing? I was wondering about the wing color as I have roos with solid brown and with variance between brown and black and I didn't know anywhere to find what it should be.

How much of the nice dark red on the saddle area? How much shiny green over black on the side saddles. I do have a few with better 'transition' and less of that 'fluff' showing, so I was going to use those cockerals and use that as #1 sorting and combs and SIZE as #2 variables.

I got my bands, so now to catch up and band 20 free ranging roos!!

Opa, I like him. That is a VERY nice looking bird. He is obviously an older bird from the size of the saddle feathres and yet has really nice medium shaped wattles. Very nice. The comb is extremely nice as well as in just the way I like it. Not too big, not to tall, not too long, and nicely follows the head.

Two things I'd work on improving if he were mine. First is the Primaries and Secondaries on the wing. There should be much more brown in the lower part of those feathers. I don't mention Type because a snapshot in time may not give an accurate representation to his Type as a whole. But, if the bird normally carries his wings that low, then I'd work on that too. They second thing I'd work on is leg color. Again, pictures do not always do justice but his leg color looks a little light. I am seeing more and more of this in pictures these days and highlight this because I recently read that yellow leg color is a dual recessive gene that must be contributed to by both father and mother.

I tend to focus on no more than two traits at a time. Overall, I see an awful lot going for this bird and, if I had to choose, those are the two things I'd work on first.

God Bless,
I have 6 rockers and today will be lockdown out of 39 eggs set. Maybe my temps were too variable as I had 23 that were much darker/developed. I did the water test yesterday for heartbeat and only 6 were alive inside.

I removed the extras and set them aside for a few days before I open them up.

My friend had 24 eggs set of mine and candled with 19 good ones and her hatch is like 3 days behind mine. It will be good to see what the chicks come out like.

Currently the flock is in the 'unculled' state and these are 'test' eggs anyways. Kinda glad that I don't have 39 chicks to deal with this round.....

I don't have a separate hatcher so will have to raise the humidity for a few days, set 3 groups of eggs a week apart, so hope THAT doesn't mess with the next two hatches either.

At least it is calming that 'CHICK SPRing FEVER'!!!! Cheers all
What line of Wellies do you have and I'm assuming they are LF, are they??
Of all the lines I have gotten in, not one feather stub between the toes, 23 roos, 16 hens...........really lucky, course, lots of them are from Opa.......
That awsome results! They are large fowl and a cross between two different lines. Sending you a PM.

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