The Winter granny square swap.

Double isn't complicated. If someone sends in 26 squares, they get 26 back.

I can sign up for double, too. I'm still on simple squares, did a set of single crochet and am now on a set of traditional grannies. If I'd known my trip would be so late, I might have done something else, but, you know, I love traditional squares.

Alas, my large stash of blue and grey turns out to be largely wool. Once I've finished the grey and blue I have, I'll start on my stash of black (won't send them in) and see how far I get with that.
Another way to use double sets is to divide them evenly. If someone sends in an extra set, everyone gets an extra square.

Left to right: Rhode Island Red, Barred Rock, Lavender Orpington, Buff Orpington, White Leghorn, Easter Egger. I'm going to do some White Silkies with fluffy white yarn and a White Crested Black Polish with a black body and a white eyelash yarn top. Should be cute.
Those are SO adorable!
If we didn't get a whole bunch of participants I was thinking of doing a second set as well, that way people could get 2 squares from me. All you would have to do is distribute the first set then go back and do the same with the second set. So each person would get 2 squares from me(or the people that decide to make double).

does that make sense to everyone? I will even seperate my sets(in the same box though) if it'll make it easier to distribute. :)
If we didn't get a whole bunch of participants I was thinking of doing a second set as well, that way people could get 2 squares from me. All you would have to do is distribute the first set then go back and do the same with the second set. So each person would get 2 squares from me(or the people that decide to make double).

does that make sense to everyone? I will even seperate my sets(in the same box though) if it'll make it easier to distribute. :)
It makes sense to me. I can send one set of sc squares and one set of traditional grannies.
I was thinking of doing double also. I guess if I signed up as a second person, I would do two squares for each participant and receive 2 sets of squares back. Like smkchick1 and smkchick2. Should work, right?
whatever makes you happy.

I was just kidding about getting outsiders to join. I know there may be some who are not members who might find it fun to join us. Family or friends. I haven't even started.

This is supposed to be fun not stressful. I hope no one is stressing over it. That's why I said if someone was a beginner and can only do the basic granny not to avoid joining us.

Even if we don't have a lot of participants we can always keep joining swaps and eventually have lots of squares. The last squares I got are still in the box.

I never expect to get enough to do a complete afghan.
Alas. My black yarn is mostly wool, too. someone suggested Winter sunset colors. We have beautiful sunsets and sunrises here and an alpine glow which makes Mt. Shasta look like a 14,000 ft. strawberry ice cream cone. I have a lot of those colors, but they'd work as accents in multicolored squares rather than as whole squares. I guess I'll have to bite the whatsit and buy some yarn.

Have we ever had a swap using wool?

Hi everyone. I said some time ago that I would post pix. Well I just took one of 3 of my blocks. I've done 12 so far. The one that looks black is actually a dark sage, one blue and one is in dark grey. I have another green I'm going to use also.

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