The Winter granny square swap.

My squares are boxed and ready to ship, 31 of them. That being said, we've got 3 and a half feet of snow and it is still coming down, so no one is going to town to the post office. One way or another, they'll get mailed before I leave for South Carolina where it is decidedly warmer.
Lots of illness lately it seems. One death. Tabs - on the NY thread has a brother that passed. He had cancer. I feel so bad for her. She and her DH are super nice. Hosted our NY BYC members picnic this year.

Things here are busy of course.

Smkchick - very nice work.

I still haven't started my squares. I've printed out a pattern and bought some yarn just can't seem to find a comfortable spot. What with the house rearranged and all.

It's cold and I've snowblowed twice. Even let my son use my snowblower. Not something I do easily. Seems when folks use your tools or car or whatever it's bound to get damaged. Let my SIL use my mowers (plural) and he broke them both.

Althea you enjoy SC and I hope your allergies improve. You've still got better than 40 days to mail those squares so please relax.

Now folks be aware that with a "flat rate" priority box you can either use stamps or print postage on your printer. Then have the mail person pick it up at the door. You can also, I think, print your Delivery Confirmation.

If you have a scale you can also weigh it at home and print the postage or use stamps too. Just use your food scale.

If you need stamps order those by mail. You can write a check for the stamps and have them delivered to your door too.
Merry Christmas everyone!

I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern.

Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!

That is just beautiful - hope it is appreciated! Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas everyone! I gave a lot of homemade gifts this year. They were very well received. I made some interesting squares in a deep wine wool and gave them to my cousin as hot mats. I wish I had taken pictures - they were a really nice pattern. Here's a picture of the "fisherman patchwork" afghan I made for my daughter's bf. I can't wait to give it to him!
You will have to let us know how he liked it, and if he didn't I bet you could start a bidding war
beautiful, are you adopting?
You will have to let us know how he liked it, and if he didn't I bet you could start a bidding war
beautiful, are you adopting?


He freaked out, threw it around his shoulders and walked around wearing it. He showed it to his mother's friend, who then wouldn't give it back. It made my night to see how much he liked it. He's a big sweetie and I'm crazy about him. He adores my daughter and treats her like gold. And he gave me a Michael's gift card, so I can indulge my yarn addiction!

I can't wait til I can call him my son-in-law.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as I did. I was COMPLETELY spoiled by my daughter and my boyfriend. And I even got 3 squares made!

I keep going back to the traditional granny square. I hope no one minds. Maybe when the dust settles from the holiday I'll branch out into something more interesting, but I just find doing the old tried and true so relaxing. I decided to keep the center white though, to suggest a snowflake.
How wonderful you were spoiled and how wonderful your dau's boyfriend truly appreciated the work of love.
someone asked for a quick pattern on one of the other sites and I had found this while at walmart guess what section I was in and the first 3 guess don't count. ha ha,
anyway thought you may like it.

If you can't see the directions good let me know
How wonderful you were spoiled and how wonderful your dau's boyfriend truly appreciated the work of love.
someone asked for a quick pattern on one of the other sites and I had found this while at walmart guess what section I was in and the first 3 guess don't count. ha ha,
anyway thought you may like it.

I picked up the same directions the other day. They would make great holiday hot mats, too!

If you can't see the directions good let me know

He freaked out, threw it around his shoulders and walked around wearing it. He showed it to his mother's friend, who then wouldn't give it back. It made my night to see how much he liked it. He's a big sweetie and I'm crazy about him. He adores my daughter and treats her like gold. And he gave me a Michael's gift card, so I can indulge my yarn addiction!

I can't wait til I can call him my son-in-law.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as I did. I was COMPLETELY spoiled by my daughter and my boyfriend. And I even got 3 squares made!

I keep going back to the traditional granny square. I hope no one minds. Maybe when the dust settles from the holiday I'll branch out into something more interesting, but I just find doing the old tried and true so relaxing. I decided to keep the center white though, to suggest a snowflake.

How wonderful when something you put so much love and attention in to gets such a reception! It truly is beautiful!

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