The Winter granny square swap.

I see you sent your address Rancher, thanks. I will hopefully get them sent out tomorrow. But here's a couple pictures of some of my favorites in the bunch. I was using up what scraps I could so they're not all the same. All basic granny or solid or a mix of both.

And just to be safe(germs) and because my pup seems to think anything yarny is hers to claim... I washed all the squares with the "free & clear" detergent I use for donation stuff.

ETA: I did use a Bounce dryer sheet, that was not free & clear, mountain i think? hopefully no one is sensitive to that!
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Oh, now, you WOULD be done!
Thanks for the address! Now I need to know what it is to send them in and where to get it. Thanks!!!
I used a box I had left over from Christmas and took it to the post office for them to figure the postage. I purchased and enclosed return postage also and sealed it all up there and mailed it off. The post office sells boxes and those big envelope things also.
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I've been sick, I'm still sick, in fact I just posted in the wrong forum because I'm so sick!! I need the address to mail them to.

I'm sorry you're sick. If I had your address I'd send you a get well card. Lots of sickness these days. Grandson has pneumonia.

I do hope you call in sick and get some rest. No TV, no news, nothing to stress you. Stay in bed and just chill. That's what I do.

Take care,

Dr. Rancher Hicks
I'm sorry you're sick. If I had your address I'd send you a get well card. Lots of sickness these days. Grandson has pneumonia.

I do hope you call in sick and get some rest. No TV, no news, nothing to stress you. Stay in bed and just chill. That's what I do.

Take care,

Dr. Rancher Hicks

Great advice, Doc.

I finally finished my 50 chicks for the NEPC show this weekend and got back to work on my second 21 squares for the swap. I should be done by next week and will send them right off.

Planning so many other projects. I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead.
Great advice, Doc.

I finally finished my 50 chicks for the NEPC show this weekend and got back to work on my second 21 squares for the swap. I should be done by next week and will send them right off.

Planning so many other projects. I guess I'll sleep when I'm dead.

The first and most important thing you should do is get some rest. The world won't end if we have to wait a few days or weeks for your squares.

I hope you feel better soon,


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