The Winter granny square swap.

To be honest I haven't opened any of them yet. I wanted to wait until I had them all.
I do like surprises. Good ones that is.

But I opened and it and you know how sometimes you give some one a gift and it's just the right gift? Well this is one of those times for you.

I can just see all the marshmellows floating on top of my hot chocolate while I'm watching Elementary. It's perfect. DW just bought some too. I'll have to post pics. Which of course will be soon as things are slated to get colder.

It's funny the things that become important when we get older.
I don't think it's because we become boring but that we are more content. We're no longer looking for the things that make us content it's that we've found out what they are.

For me it's my wife, chickens, this house, hot chocolate, coffee, chocolate wrapped in chocolate and some good mystery shows and books. Oh and my garden. I also like to volunteer at the school too. Can't forget my Darcy either. Not necessarily in this order mind you. There may be others.

I can't thank you enough.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. The people I've met (or just "talk" to) through BYC are some of the nicest I've met in my life.

Is it that chickens make people nice or that nice people just like chickens??

I've decided that when I get my squares and the afghan is all put together, I'm going to give it to a neighbor who lost everything in a house fire. I don't know her, but she met a friend of mine who lives around the (other) corner while looking at her ruined house. I wanted to do something for her - she lost her husband six months before the fire, and her dog was killed in the fire - and I thought what could be better than a collection of sharing from other people who have never met.

I think these afghans represent the best of us as people - the willingness to share with strangers.
My box will be the last one you receive, I have been sick and haven't made it to the PO. Box is ready, will go out tomorrow. Sorry for being late!
~Cathy aka MaineGigi
My box will be the last one you receive, I have been sick and haven't made it to the PO. Box is ready, will go out tomorrow. Sorry for being late!
~Cathy aka MaineGigi

Well I hope yours is not the last. There are a few others yet to send theirs. But don't stress please. I have no doubt there are more important things to worry about.

Take care,

1. Rancher

2. Bleenie

3. sebocat

4. Alethea

5. KreativeKat

6. Smkchick

7. Mainegigi

8. NCgrammy dropped out

9. Baustin

10. bama1

11. Chirmac

12. nachoqupie

13. Writer of words.

14. Smkchick 2

15. Sebocat too.

16 KreativeKat again?

17. Bama1 now 2 too.

18. Super Bleenie.

19. Ladyofspirit

Now I have two people who don't have there locations listed so I'm not sure who they are.

Ive got Independence, MO and Overland Pk , KS. is that Lady of Spirit? and Chirmac?
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Need to give y'all on update on what has been going on in my life... 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I was told at work that I needed to go to Florida to work for the week. The next day... I came down with a raging sinus infection. Went to the doctor on Thursday and packed to head to Florida Saturday morning. Spent Saturday and Sunday with my brother and bright and early Monday morning, drove from my brother's home in Astatula to Fort Pierce to work. A few hours into my day, one of my sisters called to let me know that our sister with cancer had been admitted to the hospital and they were giving her days to live.

The next morning, I flew to Connecticut to "say goodbye". First, let me say, that God will always provide. Me packing on Friday night, sick with a sinus infection was crazy! I totally packed as if I were staying in Tennessee (cold weather!) so had the perfect suitcase of clothing to go to Connecticut with. As for my sister, she has rallied some and we are now looking at a couple of weeks instead of days. Each day now is truly a gift from God. Prayers for her miracle to come (she is believing in that miracle) or for God to take her home so she is no longer suffering would be greatly appreciated. There are 6 of us girls (3 boys but they were not with us) and 5 of us got together and told our mother about our sisters cancer. We have kept it from her this past year as she has dementia and we did not want her to dwell on it. We felt it best she know now and had the opportunity to talk with her on the phone. I flew back home last night.

Having said all of this... when I packed, I did not pack the yarn I needed to finish my squares.

At this point, I am putting this out for you all to decide how to proceed... if you are willing to wait for me to put my box in the mail next week, wonderful... I will get them done and out. If you all do not wish to wait on me, I truly understand. Just let me know. either way.
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Well since I am hosting this and can be bossy at times, I'll say this.

This swap is not a major priority by any means. Certainly there are other things that take precedent. I personally would give all my yarn , squares and chickens if it would help your sister.

So that said, I'm in no hurry. Give your family my best and do what you've gotta do.

Folks no one should stress over these swaps.

Take care and be well,


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