The Winter granny square swap.

I want to share a photo of our latest great grandbaby that was born 6 weeks early. Maddie weighs 5lb. 4 oz. and is doing fine. I have the better part of her quilt top done. Could finish it tomorrow and then layer it and get it quilted maybe before we go to see her. She is still in NICU but doing fine. She is breathing on her own and she isn't really that small, it's just that she came early and they're taking precaustions. My prayeres are still for you KreativeKat.
5 pounds is the magic number
or at least it use to be. They seem to worry a bit less at that point
She's adorable! Lots of baby talk on BYC these last few days. Makes me wish my DD and her boyfriend would hurry up with an engagement already!!
Maddie may go home Saturday if the test ordered for Thursday goes well. She is so alert by the looks of recent photos. I still haven't seen her. Will wait until she is home. I have two more rows to do on her baby blanket so will have it finished when I do.
I always wait til they're a little bigger before I fuss. Can't have parts breaking off when I hold them you know.
They're just to darn tiny when they're born.

I have no doubt she'll be spoiled.
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I always wait til they're a little bigger before I fuss. Can't have parts breaking off when I hold them you know.
They're just to darn tiny when they're born.

I have no doubt she'll be spoiled.
I'm sure she'll be spolied also. I raised 7 of my own and my husband has four from his first marriage. It gives us 33 grandchildren and five great grandchildren with another grandchild and another great grandchild still to come this year. It's no wonder my fingers are so busy.
The Queen is on her way over to inspect the new chick. She's so darn funny.

The other day she took her fruit loops and spread little pile of them around her room. When her mother as her what she was doing she said. "I feed a chickens".

Her and I like to take walks together and sing You are my Sunshine.
My mother-in-law used to sing it to my daughter when she was a baby. When my daughter had her Sweet 16, she had a candle-lighting where certain people came up to light the 16 candles on the cake. When my in-laws came up, she had the DJ play that song. It was a beautiful moment for my in-laws, who have been very good to my daughter despite their son disappearing from her life when she was only 2. I always stayed close with them. Very nice people.

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