Themed "Block of the Month" Sign-Up for June

That fine with me
great idea!!

Okay, will work on it and finish it this weekend... (i hope) Lunachick! Keep me posted if you hear from jennilou.
Wow! Thank you guys, don't want to cause a problem, I'd give Jenilou a few more days. Actually, I was chomping at the bit for the July announcement; so we really have a few more days for the June block.
I'll keep you all posted. You all are so sweet! I hope this block swap thing lasts a long time!
I am loving the block swap as well!
I just wish this month had been more normal in Real Life, lol.

I'll wait to hear from you on the block... Will plan to mail it out on Thursday to jennilou unless you tell me otherwise, then I'll send it to you! lol She asked for earthtones so I hope that will work for you as well.(if necessary)

Another reason to have the new folks exchange with themselves as a probation...sorry to sound like a hard a--- but dang, this happens over and over and over again, over zealous folks jump in and want to join and then don't follow through, that means Luna followe all the rules and sent a block for nothing....I don't mind sending a block for nothing if it's my choice but it
s not a choice in a swap, it's getting stiffed and it really is unfair...I would sure advise new people to make certain they intend to also follow all the rules and follow through with an actual block BEFORE JOINING a swap...... I'll try to make a couple extra and send Acre to replace the MIA ones in July since this keeps on happening..very disheartening....sorry Luna

edited once again for horrible typing.............
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Scram.....PM me the names of the ones you know that haven't sent a block. Also, if anyone else hasn't gotten a block at some point and you remember the name please PM it to me and I will make a "Do not sign up list" to keep on hand for these people. Thank you all for your help in advance. I am sorry that this has happened and it has just about made me stop with the swaps but if you all can help me we will keep these swaps going.
Luna just posted that she didnt get her block....... in the other thread Gin sent one to someone she has no idea if they got it or not and it's the same person that I didn't getone from (thisis the one you talked to pm so not sure if they are following through or not)...but maybe you could send Luna one of those extras you have...
I sure will send her one. I will get one manufactured today and sent tomorrow
hehehe I'll get you a couple sent also and I still have to make Crumples another one hehehe since I put the wrong city for the addy. hehehe
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Scrambled Eleven hasn't sent that girl her block yet so she is going to send it to Luna if Luna doesn't hear from this girl by Thursday so it is all good with Luna.
That's cool. I'll pump one out for her also and for Scram too. This way they get all the blocks that they shoud have and maybe some extras to.

If anyone hasn't gotten a block from any of the swaps and you remember who it was that didn't send to you....please pm me the name of that person so I can add it to my renemed list of "UNWORTHY SENDERS"

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