There is something wrong with my hen's foot!


8 Years
Oct 3, 2011
My hen Bonnie's foot is extremly swollen and scabby on top. She is around 3-ish years old and is a Black Leghorn. She is a little bit wobbly when she walks but I haven't noticed a significant change. I'm sorry to say I noticed her swollen foot about a month ago, I should have gotten help for her earlier. Bonnie eats bread and other treats when I bring them to her, but I don't know if she eats the feed I put out for them because she is shy and hides when I go in the pen. Same with drinking, she hides when I am in the pen. I had to pick her up today to take the pictures, and she is very skinny... I am wondering if this is part of her 'condition', or if it is that she hides even when I am not in the pen and never eats or drinks!

Do any of you know what is wrong with her? And if so, how do I treat her?

Top view of her foot:

Bottom of her foot:

Side view of her foot:

Looks like an infection. Have her treated her with antibiotics. i.e. tetracyclin in her water. I have one hen that has been on antibiotics for 8 days now. Both her feet are swollen up to her shanks. It's not bumble foot and discovered it may be gout due to too much protein. My faulth.... I was giving them extra protein since they all were molting. I've secluded her from the flock to keep them from picking on her. She is better but feet are still swollen. At least she is now standing and walking, which she was not before. Good luck.
I hate to disagree with everyone...but that looks like a BAD case of Bumblefoot! Please go look at this thread for help! Bumblefoot is a STAPH infection and therefore you should wear gloves while treating. Do a search on this forum - alot of us have been dealing with this lately (including me!).

It is bumblefoot. It's not particularly bad, but it is bumblefoot. It needs to be lanced.
Does anyone know HOW she could have got bumblefoot? I checked out the thread that was posted earlier and it definetly looks like my hen has bumblefoot.
I didn't raise her from a chick, I got her from a person I know who has chickens, but I got her over a year ago. None of my other chickens are exibiting symptoms
It's just an injury - could be from stepping on a sharp rock, thorn, etc... or jumping from a high place. They get a little cut and apparently there's staph everywhere - and can be particularly virulent when there are damp or wet conditions in your soil. I'm in the desert though and my girl still got it. The staph gets in and off it goes! That's the way I understand it anyway. I don't think you can prevent it - unless you invest $10/pair on chicken shoes... YES they exist!! Really cute!

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