There is to much of them you guys need to go back to laying ahhhh...

chicken crazed 1o1

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
Dugald , Manitoba
broodyness is a very contagious diseases when you have one that is broody another one will go broody and so on .... The signs are #1 Sitting on the nest all day #2 When You go in the coop to pick eggs it puffs up and savigly attacks you pecking at you fingers and arms ! #3 When you go in the coop and a hen is getting ticked off becuase she wants to lay an egg . #4 When your dog comes to say hi to the chickens the hen will vishesly fly at it out of no were . If you wish for 1 you will get 1 then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 and so on . #5 A poor little rooster out side in the run wondering were his ladys are . I guess what im trying to say is be very careful about what you wish for.......... BEACUASE IT WILL TURN INTO A NIGHTMARE MOOWAHAHAHAHAAA ^~^
I have at least 10 broody hens, 4 broody turkeys, 2 broody goose, 2 broody guineas.
So you are right, be very, very careful what you wish for.
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I did not wish for one, but one I have. Thing is I find eggs layed by others under her. So are they pushing her off the nest to lay or what?
I'm feeling the broody pains myself... all 4 of my duck hens... ameraucana just hatched a baby, and my dominique just hatched one... not a big first hatch for either hen but its something... the dominique snuck in my chick pen, laid her clutch, and started setting.. i figured what could be the harm... apparently one of the other chicks got in between her and the baby and a dead plucked 4 week old ameraucana is the result... definately wont happen again..

and the other hatches arent good because of the same reason as Macdoogle2... APPARENTLY when a hen starts setting, that is an open invitation for every chicken and duck i have to lay its egg in her nest when she's out gettin a drink of water... my muscovy sat for like 2 months, every 2 weeks it would move about 8 inches onto the freshly laid eggs... ducks are kinda dumb sometimes...

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