There were literally 15-20 Turkey Vultures circling our chicken pen...

You were feeding them??
I"m imagining hanging old meat on the fenceposts
now sure why you would feed turkey vultures??

if you had not been feeding them, I would think there must be some kind of carrion nearby
good luck
whaaat?? I didn't mean to say I was feeding the vultures...No we are not...Ick to the mental image of old rotting meat on fenceposts too hehe.
Wow that like saying if you see any animal there food must be near.....not....they are not always hanging around carrion. they have to hang out somewhere when not eating........right?
Is it possible that there was something dead nearby? If so, maybe they were hanging out waiting for you guys to go away and then check it out.
I have what i think are hawks in my area. Could anybody post a picture of a turkey velture? Thanks.
There were a lot circling over our yard Friday night. I looked up, saw a big bird circling so I ran to the back to check my girls who were out free ranging. I got to the back and there were like 20 of them. Ours never landed, just circled for 30 minutes or so then moved on. They don't worry me too much, however that same night I had to run out and rescue my chihuahua who was out on his tie out when an owl sat in a tree 20 feet away checking him out, lol.
We have lots of turkey vultures here too, and sometimes in large groups like you saw. I've never considered them a threat to my birds. I used to worry about babies, but last year we watched our broody, Cream Puff, chase some from the yard when they got just a little too close to her fuzzy butts. Hope this eases your mind a little.........

Now that's look for dead's the hawks that like the live things....

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