They Came Two Days EARLY!!!! Updated with PICS Pg2!

I have come up with a mash
recipe with a 21.56% protein ratio for my chicks.

I am formulating mine with no wheat (because of my son) and no
soy (because I don't really think soy is that healthy for anyone or
anything). So feel free to check on my numbers and make sure that my
ratios are correct. For my initial batch (it filled one standard size
quart mason jar) I just started off with the following and I will let
you know how it goes. I ground all of the following (all organic) into
a mash in my Ultimate Chopper

1 cup flax seeds
1/2 cup green split peas
1/2 cup millet
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup oat groats
1/2 cup rye
1/2 cup barley

Now you can translate that recipe however you want. I also have bought
aramanth, mung beans, green lentils, rolled oats, quinoa, and spelt to
mix in different ratios and give them some varieties.

It will be a very interesting experiment, indeed, to see if these
"wheat free" eggs make a difference for anyone with a sensitivity.

I have since learned that apparently chicks do not have the enzymes to digest barley. So I am going to be replacing that with something that contains a similar protein ratio. Not only that but that ground flax begins to go rancid within 15 minutes if not consumed so if I grind it I need to freeze it and then let it get to room temp before feeding.
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There are 3 Americaunas, 3 Cuckoo Marans, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and the others are all Barred Rocks. I was supposed to have 10 roos (for butchering) and 8 pullets, but they sent 4 extras and I have no idea which are the females and which are the males. Looks like I'll have to wait and see.
I have been grinding flax seeds for many years and never had them go rancid. It is currently in my chicks feed and none has gone bad. Where did you get that information?
What kind of chicks are they....The pics u posted????

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