
Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 26, 2017
Southwest Idaho
I went to Tractor Supply today. I shouldn't have, because...they had Turkens! :celebrate
Chicken math got me! I now have 6 Turken chicks (all different colors/patterns) and 2 free bantams.
My husband is out of town right now :oops:
But I couldn't resist them :wee
Somebody help me! Who will take me in when he kicks me out? :barnie Lol. J/k...I hope :fl

They're straight run so we'll see how many I'll actually be able to keep out of the freezer.

The bantams I'll keep regardless of sex but I think one is a has feathered feet and dark skin. But it's a really cool mottled color (could that be partridge?).
The other bantam has feathered feet also but it has yellow feet and it's black with some white underneath? Cochin? Brahma? idk...:confused:
The Turkens are very interesting. I have a solid brown, a chipmunk stripe, a black with some white, one is almost white with a weird light gray stripe on the back...
I'm SO excited to see how they feather out!
Please let most be pullets...please! :fl

I believe this last one is a partridge silkie and the one above it may be a black or mottled bantam Cochin.
Stinkin adorable!
Can’t wait to see the colors and patterns on the NNs.
Oh my goodness! They are adorable! I had a Turken cockerel named Chewy (Cashew). Sadly, we didn't want naked neck babies and he was very shy because of a rough past as a chick, so we gave him to somebody else. But thankfully the people who took him (and his silkie mix sister) in are not going to eat him! I liked him, but we didn't want to have him taking up space for a friendlier rooster or laying hen. (We're getting polish chicks soon and I'm kind of praying for one rooster!)

I think they're adorable and beautiful, but whenever I showed the picture to somebody unexperienced in chickens, they would scream, "Eww! Is something wrong with it?"

I would still have my turken if it was a pullet, not a cockerel. He was so handsome, though!
Oh my goodness! They are adorable! I had a Turken cockerel named Chewy (Cashew). Sadly, we didn't want naked neck babies and he was very shy because of a rough past as a chick, so we gave him to somebody else. But thankfully the people who took him (and his silkie mix sister) in are not going to eat him! I liked him, but we didn't want to have him taking up space for a friendlier rooster or laying hen. (We're getting polish chicks soon and I'm kind of praying for one rooster!)

I think they're adorable and beautiful, but whenever I showed the picture to somebody unexperienced in chickens, they would scream, "Eww! Is something wrong with it?"

I would still have my turken if it was a pullet, not a cockerel. He was so handsome, though!
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He’s a handsome guy. I hope mine grow up to look that good lol. I’m glad your friend could take him.
They’re straight run so hopefully out of six I’ll get at least a couple of pullets.

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