They need to die for this


Free Ranging
Dec 12, 2020
Jacksonville, FL
So they were digging in my totes AGAIN ! Where they do not belong. MY bad for letting them loose because I felt sorry for them being cooped up in the heat.

They dug the hell out of the garlic tote, going after worms I assume initially but NOoooo... They ate most of the garlic cloves pretty badly. Most of my garlic is henpecked !! in that tote now.

Digging up garlic and EATING IT !! R E A L L Y ?????


I just can't wait to see what those eggs taste like...... Seriously, I wonder if it's going to flavor them any. I do love garlic but way pissed at them right now.

But garlic? Some of these were strong ones tool This was the 'leftover tote' the clovelets that were left over from the dedicated totes, so.. some of these were NOT mild garlics, and they just tore them up. I know garlic would about kill a parrot /cockatoo, but apparently chickens have no problem with it. whuda thunkit ??

But garlic? Some of these were strong ones tool This was the 'leftover tote' the clovelets that were left over from the dedicated totes, so.. some of these were NOT mild garlics, and they just tore them up. I know garlic would about kill a parrot /cockatoo, but apparently chickens have no problem with it. whuda thunkit ??

What do I think??? I think that chickens will eat anything they can get their beak's on, and if you let them do any free-ranging, you better make sure that there isn't anything out there that you don't want them to eat.

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