They will be hatching soon, just a few questions ;)


In the Brooder
9 Years
May 17, 2010
I don't mean to be a pain but i have a quesiton, so my bobwhites are do to hatched this coming week, and well what happens if they hatch while i'm at work and are in the incubator, will it effect them too be in there for a time? Someone said to leave them in there just till they dry? And I've also read they are cold sensitive, so how long till they really 'feather' out? Thanks!! We are just counting the days

Hi Corinna, First of all congrats on your upcoming hatch, now to your question, it always helps if there's somebody at home to monitor the incubator while there hatching, but as long as you're able to keep a steady temperature and humidity levels on your incubator you should be fine. Also, Bobwhites are extremelly tiny they fit through everywhere so becarefull you don't have anything on the incubator that they might fall in. Bobwhites will do ok in a brooder as long as you keep a lamp above them, oh and yeah you might wanna wai til there dry so you can take them out of the incubator.
As long as there's ventilation and proper heat and food and water, I keep mine at 99.9F and around 81% humidity that's just my personal preferences. Than move to Brooder when they dry out chicks need access to water 24 hours after hatch. Good luck VQB

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