They're hatching... PICS on pg2

Yea I am so happy on those mutt babies!!!!!!!!!
So how many have hatched from the dozen I gave ya???
Isnt that a great deal for 3 doller eggs! hahha!!!

Congrats and yes I would love to see pics!!!

Okay, so it is what would be the morning of day 22 and I'm done. I had 4 that never pipped, so I candled them this morning. The air cell looked like it was half the egg, so I pipped one, and the chick was dead (that's why it looked like there was so much space). I did the same thing for the others and had the same results. The only sad thing is one of them was peeping at me last night.

I have 13 chicks total from an original 24 (12 mutts, 8 BLRW, 4 from farmers market-not sold as hatching eggs).

My Hatching Stats:
8 out of 12 mutt eggs hatched from the local farmer (75%), 2 died at ~day 21, 1 I killed at day 10, one never developed
4 out of 8 shipped BLRW's hatched (50%), 2 died at ~day 21, 1 died on day 4, one never developed.
1 out of 4 from farmers market hatched (25%), 3 never developed. (although these were only possibly fertile, had been washed, refrigerated, and were of unknown freshness)


I am so happy. They are so cute and are doing pretty well. There is one that may not make it, but otherwise they look great.

I'm working on posting the pictures.
thats why when we built our coop and run WIRE FENCING buried 1 ft. deep all around perimeter of coop and run.

Wire on top of RUN area so I think they are safe . I did inform my hubby this morning tho , a tiny , and I mean tiny kitten was in the run with the chickens . She got thru the wire fence . I slapped my hands and OUT she ran . OOPS , looks like we may have to double the Wire ?

Becareful with the dogs , usually when they get the taste of blood , they come back for more . :|
They have a good predator proof run. I just usually let them free range in the yard. On that morning I had the chickens and 3 dogs out all together, and foolishly unsupervised.

I'm starting to think my foster dog did it. She was overly interested this morning when I let them out to range. My 2 were ignoring the chickens as usual. My 2 won't go near the spot she was killed, the foster dog is fascinated by it. Who knows though. The dogs are all fine when I'm watching, it just means I have to keep them all well supervised.
They have a good predator proof run. I just usually let them free range in the yard. On that morning I had the chickens and 3 dogs out all together, and foolishly unsupervised.

I'm starting to think my foster dog did it. She was overly interested this morning when I let them out to range. My 2 were ignoring the chickens as usual. My 2 won't go near the spot she was killed, the foster dog is fascinated by it. Who knows though. The dogs are all fine when I'm watching, it just means I have to keep them all well supervised.

How big is your predator proof run ?

I never turn mine loose like that , to scared anything can happen . I can only suggest to keep them in their safe area .
Okay, so here are the chicks. Any thoughts on what colors they will grow up to be?

****clickable thumbnails*****

I love this chick. She is just is so cute and delicate. Will she stay the blue/gray color, or will she be black?

This is one of the BLRW's. They seem to have extra long fluff.
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sorry , I certainly can not answer that one . I know they all change colors as they get older . WHAT kind are they ? Maybe looking up the different breeds would give you more of an idea

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