They're Here... new English Mastiff puppies

My very abused rescue dog was better, then two years of no house guests has set her back socially. I need to get my lazy self in gear too!
We're planning to go to a dog park today to walk around the outside of the fence with my fear aggressive rescue dog. Good or bad idea?
It depends. Having her react badly is not good, maybe work up to this gradually.
Walk far away from the dog park, so she doesn't react at all, work on her training there, make it a positive experience for her. Over time (many visits) you should be able to gradually get her closer, still having her calm. That's the gradual approach, often a good plan. Also very good to work with a trainer, so you can recognize that first 'bad thought', tension, hard stare, whatever, and not miss the signals she's giving off until she's really into it.
We are going to take our golden to a dog park this week probably. She isnt aggressive around dogs just scared.
Me: Otis sit, let's get a handsome picture.
Otis: Look ma, Imma giraffe!
Adorable!! The raccoon in there with everyone else is so awesome!
Just curious - is the raccoon litter/house trained?
Yes, she uses a litter box. She was surprisingly easy to litter train as a baby.
She enjoys hanging out with the whole family in the evenings, but as she's gotten older, she likes to spend most of the day in her "den" and just be sociable at night.
Otis in particular is fascinated with her and really wants to be her bestie. She will try to play with him on occasion (always supervised) but nothing like when Sunny was a puppy a few years ago. She's now 10 and has slowed way down over the past year. My vet thinks arthritis is a factor and put her on daily galliprant about 6 months ago. It has helped some I think, but the delivery method is somewhat unorthodox... (after much trial and error) the daily routine is now to cut open a jelly bean and hide it inside before squishing it back together and handing it over. She knows its in there, but its too much trouble for her to try to dig it out before eating her prize.
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