Things we've done today Saturuday 3/12

Let's far (It's only 5:30 PM, after all...)

Puppy to the vet for a recheck on his incision. All was well, but they were VERY busy, so I lost almost 90 minutes for that.

Four raspberries planted. (My son did the actual digging & assisted with the planting.)

Front half of workshop emptied. All spring items removed and relocated to spring locations. Remaining items neatly replaced. 1 small stack of firewood relocated.

Tomato cages & bean poles put into the regular garden, removed, and replaced in better locations.

All containers for container garden emptied of soil. Soil mixed, clumps broken, debris removed, etc. Containers refilled.

All herbs planted into container garden pots & placed in the sunroom until warmer weather. All houseplants except for two have been repotted and returned to the sunroom. The last two are two I dread. Maybe tomorrow...

The poor spiderplant that I've had for years but threw into the basement this winter (with poor light and only watered a few times) was salvaged. Dead stuff removed, all remaining living (and dead) baby plants removed. Repotted. It'll survive but looks sad right now. it has looked worse a time or two. Potted up any of the babies that were alive.

Had a box pizza lunch in there somewhere.

Still to do:
Relocate all the plants that came inside to better locations. Tidy this room MAYBE (probably not...)
Start some seedlings. I'm mostly going to buy plants this year, but I have a couple of things I want to start, even if it is a bit late.
Rest, then do some things for my job...
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Beautiful day here in Ohio (finally), I cleaned coops........

alarm went off at 310am, got ready for work. on the road by 330am. worked till 915am.... got out early, about 1 hour early! (worth it)

hubby is working today too, so i picked up the kids at my parents house, came home, did chicken chores. let them free range and picked up twigs all over the yard.
very tired. kids wanted to play outside, went outside and started working on my patio steps. got alot done. came inside, showered with the kids. laid one child down for a nice nap. went to the couch with the other child. fell alseep. hubby on his way home after he worked and went to see his brother (in a town far from ours)
i begged him to pick up pizza for dinner..
tummy is growling... hungry.
btw: we did eat lunch sometime during the day.
day light savings time happening today. so i already feel like i lost an hour. i already pushed all the clocks in the house forward.
i have to work again tommorrow. ugh!
after tomorrow, monday comes........then vacation from work for a week!! (so needing it)
Ahhhh, family.... mine are either dead or far, far away bickering with each other. I remember how excited my mother used to get when her sisters and brother came for a visit. Since we lived in Florida and they lived 'up north' our house was a popular destination during the winter months. Dad hated their visits but mom would cook up a storm, clean the linen, and clean out the local Winn Dixie of their best beef. Everybody but me had to accommodate the cousins. Not one dared sleep in my room with all my critters. Don't tell anyone but when they came to visit, I gave the hamsters the squeakiest wheels for them to run all night on- or I'd loosen one of my habitrail tunnels so my gerbils could escape. My pet rat terrified them so I was left alone during my cousin Alice visits. Don't tell anyone though.

Ahhhhh, family. I'm still known as the weirdo with the rat.

Oh, and my day consisted of getting up at 4:45 to start the morning chores, eat breakfast, do a yoga workout, and a 25 mile drive to work where I convinced the boarding diabetic cat that his insulin injection was a good thing. We had a discussion about the importance of keeping his blood sugar at an acceptable range. He was not convinced until I brought out a bit of catnip and he decided the quick pinch of a needle was worth a roll in the catnip. He was so delighted that he groomed me afterwards. Now, if I could only find an herb that worked like that on my husband.....

Anyway, I came home, moved 3 round bales to the back pasture, and the four donkeys made a break for it so I had to lure them back with a can of sweet feed. I put the tractor away, then decided to groom my horses. My spooky horse is convinced my Chicken Fortress is a horse eating slaughter house, and nearly had a neural meltdown when the occupants of the Fortress started peeping. So grooming him turned into a lesson on ground manners. The other horse could careless and was a pleasure to groom. He fell asleep. Thus in a few hours I'm taking a hot bath and going to sleep, too!
Slept in, as usual on weekends. Got up, made a cup of coffee, fed dog and cats, emptied the dishwasher, set table for breakfast. Hubby made breakfast- he's the cook in the house, I bake. Went out with dog, feed, water and treats for chickens, gathered eggs. Sat at computer for a while. Read a little bit. When hubby was ready, went to Sam's Club, PetSmart, 2 different Radio Shacks, Pier 1 Imports, Home Goods and grocery store. Oh and a stop at 5 Guys Burgers for lunch. Still need to get to feed store, but that will wait till tomorrow.
Slept in. Text-messaged a bit with a good friend. Checked on the chicks in the brooders in the bathroom. Today is the day two of them are going outside (they're the oldest).
Gave the dogs their treats and got into the recliner to watch some TV. Both dogs got under the lap blanket with me. Cat joined us, resting across my chest.
Watched the flock meander across the front yard (automatic chicken doors) from my recliner.
Text-messaged my friend some more.
Headed out to the feed store for feed, DE, and to take pictures of their chick sales set-up. Posted photos here:
at McDonald's drive through to get an Angus Snack-Wrap, medium fries and a large Diet Coke.
Got home, pulled into the back pasture, unloaded the bags o' feed, topped off all the feeders and emptied & refilled the kiddie pool for the ducks.
Noticed the TJs youngsters had gotten out of their grow-out coop (through a loose panel on the top, knocked askew by adult chickens) and were distressed that a couple of big ol' hens were in "their" pen, eating their feed. (No different from the rest of the flock.) So I opened up the actual gate to it and they now have free reign of the yard.
Set up a grow-out coop (different from the TJ's coop) for the two youngsters going outside (cleaned it, dusted it, put in fresh pine shavings, food & water) and took the two birds out to it.
Had several conversations with various chickens and ducks.
Came inside, turned on the computer, and here I am.
It's now 7pm and I'm back in the house.

I went to get some more seed oats since he ran out and wasn't done planting like I thought he was. Then I helped him finish planting those. We moved the tractor and truck home.

Came back to the yard and while he checked cows I did my evening chicken chores.

Now I get to go fix something for supper and then I'll finally get a shower and be done for the day.
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After going to bed around 3 AM, got up at 8:30, fed house cats and dogs, went out and scraped the ice off my truck. Shouldered the passenger door (that was frozen shut) open from the inside, managed to tear a wiper blade while scraping the windshield
Drove about 18 miles on snow/compacted ice to take DH to a dr appt (MRI for sciatic pain), got there to find out that they had an ER patient to do first and couldn't do that person until someone came to put him/her under. So first estimate was a 1 hour wait if we 'wanted to go somewhere'. But DH complains if he has to walk, and I didn't want to be on those roads anyhow so stayed and waited... and waited. 10 AM appt and he wasn't seen until after 1 PM and it was about 2:15 PM before they were done. At least the roads were mostly just wet on the way home... Have stuff that I need to do but I am getting emotionally exhausted dealing with this.
Tidied up part of this room, watered all the plants I mentioned in my last post (took six gallons of water...), fed/watered critters, and got my jiffy pellets found and soaking (didn't have quite as many as I thought!)

Either tonight or tomorrow I will start some seeds in them....

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