Things you never said until you had chickens.......

... raising him right!
Startin' 'em young!!! ;D
Gotta start 'em as soon as they won't squeeze a chick to death in my humble opinion... she's gotten a lot of experience here - I try to time hatches with her arrival, but since I only have a broody hen, I'm sometimes off by a week... she's constantly picking someone up - chicks, banty roosters, even a few LF hens will let her pick them up, or one of the cats... she's quite the wrangler...

in the 3rd pic, she's holding a really big salamander that she "rescued" from the local cavern, where we were hunting for "Pixie Dust"

she even hugs one of my LF Roosters, he's extremely gentle... but she's fearless... and the chickens delight her... she has "animal lover DNA"

and she's a "City Kid"................ back home, her favorite thing to do it go to the zoo...

She's too cute!!!!
Finally made it through the thread, lots to make me smile, thanks! No chickens yet but this forum has made me say something I NEVER thought I would say. I love math .... well, chicken math anyway!! My momma told me at a young age I just can't do math but I bet I'll be able to do chicken math. :)

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