Things you never said until you had chickens.......

- another one crawled in my mouth thats the 8 time this week ( millie chicks)
- he's got the guinea again
- i found another nest
- the red hen tried to attack me again
- their butts need soaked again (silkies)
- how many times do i have to tell u to stay out of the feeder
- he's giving u the look again
- before u come in the coop let me put stonie roni poopoo pants away hell get u
- leave my shoes alone
- your comb looks like a finger ( ameraucana)

i could go on and on but that would take forever
Here's some things I definetely didn't say before we got chickens.
  • Einstein laid an egg, Mom! (Referring to Einstein, my top hat hen.)
  • Oh, look, she left you a gift! (Snowy, my pet banty as a chick, had pooped on the table when I showed her to mom).
  • Hey, Jersey Giants leave Giant Turds--- You get to clean that up. (Sarah's pet Jersey Giant hen pooped on the floor) :-/
  • When will Alaska lay an egg?! (Sarah randomely named her Jersey Giant hen Alaska!!) Lolol.

How funny is THAT?!
Darn it I wore my poop shoes in the house again.

Make sure there are no chickens in the back yard before you let our dogs (Black labs) out.

Ouch! That stupid chicken bit my toe.

Arg! I knew I should have never put that egg in my pocket.
"Grab it, I've got it penned to the fence with my butt! Careful. Don't hurt it!". Yes, that's what I said.

My husband, "wow, those guineas sure are stronger than chickens, I could barely keep a hold of it.".

Conversation had while rounding up the few straggling guineas on their 2nd day of free ranging. I had a broom (the broom of doom) and my husband a piece of scrap wood to herd the guineas back into their pen. The chickens were much easier to deal with going back in the coop at night.

Good thing the neighbors are too far away to hear or see these exchanges!
'Why is the gooey poop always on the porch?' (because the Labradors have started high grading the chicken poop they eat

'Fern! She's a bird dog!' as the 5 pound speckled broody fury attacks the 70 pound Lab, the Lab tucked her tail and walked away.
I hope the Turkeys are smart enough to go under their barrels... (We are currently under a Severe T-storm watch, and my turkeys are outside, because they would accidentaly hurt the delawares...)
"I need some rain boots or something similar so I don't have to worry about stepping in poop."

"I went in there with a hoe to clean up their poop and he didn't like it."
(my rooster doesn't like it when people do into their run, he makes a bunch of noise until you leave)

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