Things you never said until you had chickens.......

I took my injured silkie with me to my sisters wedding...It was in a city about 5 hours away from mine lol
"Oh I gotta go check my mikie!"
On our way home from the wedding we hit a deer and the cops and towe truck come to help us at 3am
Officer "everyone ok?" Me "yep, me, my DH and my chicken are a okay!" Officer "...your chicken...?" Me "yep! *pulls out my mikie* see my chicken!"
Towe guy "need a ride home?" Me "yep let me grab my chicken! *grabs chicken and hops in towe truck*"
Thats the best most recent lol
So funny! One of my girls sneaks in the house and sits in front of the fan
Lol.!! I have one that we raised as a baby chick and now she think she's a princess, every time it rains she goes on the porch and watches the rest of the chickens get wet or running for a dry place while she is perfectly dry, she always wants to come in the house and go straight to my room to lay her egg and she sits in front of the mirror and cleans herself lol

Dark night and we can't find Mary
, so we set out with flashlights.

Me: Mary Mary little girl were are you?
Joe: Mary Mary...
Me: Mary Mary ...

An hour later and I looked into the hen house for the 8th time.

Me: Joe I found her, come and see.
Joe: were is she?
Me: My little Marry is sleeping in the rafters.


"Can you check on bathroom chicken"? In reference to an injured chicken convalescing in the bath tub
"I'll pick Elliot up from summer camp but you have to cuddle a chicken in return" Texted to my husband who refuses to touch the hens
"It's for the chickens isn't in"? What my son says any time a box from Amazon arrives
"Imagine a basketball with a beak" When explaining to my DH what the orpingtons will look like when full grown
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I never thought I would have to explain the reproductive habits of a chicken so many times. At least 3 times a week I have people ask me "how are you getting eggs if there is no rooster?" . If it's a woman asking I remind them that they reproduce eggs regularly too, even if there is no man around. I definitely never said the word cloaca before I had chickens and I most definitely did not know what it meant before chickens!
I startled my hubby yesterday by walking in the house and stating: "Stan has butt lice."

I startled him again when he followed me to the pet department of walmart and asked what was I looking for.

"Shampoo for Stan's butt lice."

I heart a snicker from the next isle. Ain't no telling what that person thought.
This is awesome.... I laughed my self silly imagining this.. LOL
I never thought I would have to explain the reproductive habits of a chicken so many times. At least 3 times a week I have people ask me "how are you getting eggs if there is no rooster?" . If it's a woman asking I remind them that they reproduce eggs regularly too, even if there is no man around. I definitely never said the word cloaca before I had chickens and I most definitely did not know what it meant before chickens!
I always respond "I lay and egg every month and I don't need a man to do it!"

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