Things you wish you could say

I just generally walk away. 9/10 times it's not worth the discussion.
While I generally agree with this, sometimes the idiot is making busy work for everyone. We know the answer and haven't invested the resources because it's not worth it.

It's 30 seconds of their time and 3 weeks for us to prove them wrong.

The conversation goes something like this:
It'll be over $10MM. What is the predicted ROI?

Oh, the ROI will go for $10MM.

Will it? We looked at this 5 years ago and the installed cost is higher and the margin is lower.

Well, put some firm numbers together and let's discuss. We are considering a new contract and the customer will pay for it.

Oh!?! We found the stupid customer who will sign that contract?

4 weeks later, the customer is balking at the cost and no contract.
Sometimes I think it means, "I hear you, but I really really hope you are wrong."

And then they post photos again later, hoping to learn that it really was a pullet, but aware that it might really be a cockerel, and wanting to get it confirmed more strongly before they force themself to do something about it.

It reminds me of "I really hope you are not coming down with a virus the day before we plan to leave on a family trip..." (I've had at least one miserable trip, and a different trip cancelled, because people got sick at the last minute. I really don't want to believe it might be true... But my wishes don't do any good, so I need to start changing plans to deal with what is actually happening.)
It might just be my strange way of thinking, but it still seems rude to me for a person to ask something and then get told the correct answer by multiple people, and then act like they were wrong about what was so obviously true. It might just be me, though.
It might just be my strange way of thinking, but it still seems rude to me for a person to ask something and then get told the correct answer by multiple people, and then act like they were wrong about what was so obviously true. It might just be me, though.
I think there are some each way. And sometimes it is hard to tell what they really mean, with just words and no tone of voice or expressions to judge by.

It looks to me like some rude people are doing it on purpose (or at least recognize what they are doing), and some honestly do not realize that it could be taken that way.
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It might just be my strange way of thinking, but it still seems rude to me for a person to ask something and then get told the correct answer by multiple people, and then act like they were wrong about what was so obviously true. It might just be me, though.
One problem is that if you are new you don’t know whose responses are reliable. The badges help obviously.
I remember when I joined I was told some nonsense (about things like DE, ACV, space needed etc.).
I didn’t have chicken experience but I have training in physiology and have kept different animals all my life. Some of what I was told just made no sense and had no grounding.
Of course eventually you figure out who really has experience and gives you reliable information.
So I can see someone asking again because they don’t know whether to believe what they were told the first time.
I think there are some each way. And sometimes it is hard to tell what they really mean, with just words and no tone of voice or expressions to judge by.

It looks to me like some rude are doing it on purpose (or at least recognize what they are doing), and some honestly do not realize that it could be taken that way.
If I ever did that (I may have under another account. I do not remember.) then it was simply because I wanted to fan my delusional flames of hope for a pullet. I would never have thought of it as being a slight against other members' knowledge.

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