Things you wish you could say

:lau :gig :lau I can’t breathe!! RIP food 😂😭

Also thanks 🥰🥰
No one starts off as a great cook. My mom started me off cooking when I was around 8, so I've had plenty of time to learn from my mistakes. To be honest, I think you learn more from messing up and fixing it than from doing it well from the beginning. My students hated me sometimes for letting them mess up then making them fix stuff. They learned a lot more than they did in the classes that were pure book and lecture, though.
No one starts off as a great cook. My mom started me off cooking when I was around 8, so I've had plenty of time to learn from my mistakes. To be honest, I think you learn more from messing up and fixing it than from doing it well from the beginning. My students hated me sometimes for letting them mess up then making them fix stuff. They learned a lot more than they did in the classes that were pure book and lecture, though.
Thanks, Bee! That’s definitely true! And you’re right about learning more from mistakes and stuff as well as from actually doing not just theoretical. I have found that to be true for sure. And I feel like that applies in life and lots of other things too not just cooking 😁

In terms of cooking though, it’s way more useful and beneficial to try various combinations of things or whatever and learn what works or doesn’t work for myself.

Like my peanut butter monstrosity. :lau :oops:

But from that, I learned that that doesn’t work well and to try something else next time.

And with my dog walking/sitting and especially training, I have read a lot and watched a lot of videos, joined groups, etc. etc. but I feel I’ve definitely learned far more actually being out working with the dogs, of which I’ve been working with a lot more lately, and I learn very quickly what works and what doesn’t.

So there’s definitely something to be said for that!

But I’ll stop rambling now. :lau

Anyway, thanks and oh I will add that I actually think I prefer experimenting and trying my own combos even if they turn out horrible than strictly following a recipe. I do that too sometimes but it’s so much fun experimenting. I’m really starting to love it. 🥰🥰
Dang straight!
Honestly I do when I bake. Too easy to ruin baked goods with incorrect ratios. Everything else I eyeball it. Does make teaching the kids how to cook a bit more of a challenge and/or fun.

"how much salt?"
"eh, the force will guide you"
Honestly I do when I bake. Too easy to ruin baked goods with incorrect ratios. Everything else I eyeball it. Does make teaching the kids how to cook a bit more of a challenge and/or fun.

"how much salt?"
"eh, the force will guide you"
It helps to know how " big" certain measurements are, by eye or feel. Like, a cup is about as big as your fist. Half a tsp is about as big as the end of your index finger; 1/4 tsp the same as the end of your pinky, and a Tbsp is about as big as the end of your thumb. It helps to know that each cup of raw beans should get a tsp of salt, and the same for each quart of liquid. Rules of thumb, if you will. Then you don't need literal measuring spoons and cups in many cases, but you are still measuring - just using less specific and obvious utensils. Saves on clean-up, too!
Honestly I do when I bake. Too easy to ruin baked goods with incorrect ratios. Everything else I eyeball it. Does make teaching the kids how to cook a bit more of a challenge and/or fun.

"how much salt?"
"eh, the force will guide you"
This drives me and my dad nuts. He loves cooking and I hate it because nothing is very exact. I love baking mixes thoigh because i cant ness them up
Like my peanut butter monstrosity. :lau :oops:

But from that, I learned that that doesn’t work well and to try something else next time.
Speaking peanut butter. I know I have eluded to this at least a year or so ago - somewhere (DM chat or one of the party theads) about my experiment with bread with peanut butter on it being put in the toaster oven…. The PB “melts.”

Do you remember what one ingredient I discovered will hold the PB from melting?

Do you recall the ratio of it with PB?

I’ve been playing with the ratio and found that there is a minimum level to hold the Peanut butter “together” when heated.

To give a Nod to @BigBlueHen53
I can say that it’s between 1/8 & 1/4 in the ratio of quantity to that of what ever Peanut Butter you use.

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