Things You Wish You Would Have Known?

Oh no! Please elaborate on why you say no production reds ever...I've been thinking of ordering 30 when it comes time to replace my existing flock (first flock ever). What's been your experience?
Um, but they don't like vacuum cleaners. And don't wear flip-flops into the coop, even if you have run in just for a second and don't have time to change into shoes. With nail polish on your toes. Nevah evah!!
Polished my finger nails for the first time since getting chicks..... Suddenly have a bunch of little veloci-raptors trying to rip my fingers off!
Chicken math (3+3=11). You CANNOT build a large coop in a day, and it WILL cost double what you planned. And just because you order pullets, does not mean you will get pullets, and it will without fail be your favourite little "girl"that starts crowing.
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We think they look like t-Rex running
Wifey calls them on of 3 things...depending on which action is dominate...1) fly-running - when they take off from a perch and in flight, you see their legs going like they're running on air
2) run-flying - when they run after you or another chicken ( or squirrel ) and a few feet and hit the floor running...repeat, till target is reached or squirrel gets safely back up a tree
3) rabid crazed action - when a burst of energy hits them from out of nowhere and they go in circles, zig zags and the like
at top speed with legs and wings's like they're flying on the ground at mach 5
Oh no! Please elaborate on why you say no production reds ever...I've been thinking of ordering 30 when it comes time to replace my existing flock (first flock ever). What's been your experience
I saw that answered a few posts back. I did have 1 production red in a small flock of 3 that did fine. I personally prefer a mixed flock because it is a lot easier to tell them apart and enjoy their antics. It's a ton of fun getting different colored or shades of eggs. And they are a joy to look at in the yard. It just seems more entertaining.

Good luck!
Snaps and buttons aren't too bad. The chickens see them and try to peck them, but don't wear a hat among the flock that has a bead on the tie strings. It looks like a scene out of The Birds with them flying up trying to get that bead, which is, of course, right below your face.

Ask me what happened this morning when I wore my brand new straw hat out to the coop. I thought I'd turned into Tippi Hedren.
I knew that raising chicks could be messy, but I didn't realize it would be so dusty! And I didn't realize how relaxing it would be to watch them free range! I always ask my kids if they want to come watch "chicken tv" with me. I always get a taker:)
There are ' barn shoes' and 'barn boots' and the 'barn coat', and that's the way it has to be, unless you want horrible stuff in your house! When I had hatchery RIRs and production reds, and Salmon Favorelles and Cochins, things didn't go well for the mellow birds in the flock. Way too much feather pecking! And that was with plenty of space available. I too like to have a mixed flock, but over time have learned who mixes well here. Hybrid production hens from other sources may work out better than mine did, that's true. Mary

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