This chick looks different then the rest!

Kristen D

Jun 24, 2017
I was given 6 chicks from a friend. They "pulleys" were purchased from an auction, and had apparently been sexed. One of the chickens we named "flower". "She" was fat, curious, and didn't run from us. As the weeks went on I noticed the comb was getting redder. I also noticed flower was the first one to run up to me real fast. The legs on this chick are MASSIVE, but it doesn't have that upward walking gait. Please help?


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I'm actually not sure. I am going to follow along to see what they look like when they are a little bit older.
Oh good! We most definitely have. I can't believe how quickly he developed. So, do I have to take special precautions around my children?

It's always a good idea to be cautious with roo's and small children. They (the children) are smaller, move faster and different than adults and are more likely to be perceived as a threat or a target. But every roo is different and personalities and temperaments can vary greatly.
I would handle him a lot now while he's still small so that he is accustomed to all of you and make you less likely to be seen as a target, and then you will have to see how he turns out. I have had really nasty roo's that attacked anyone and everyone with little to no provocation , and really sweet roo's that are just fine and do their job with the ladies and leave everyone alone. I would still be very cautious and not let small children be with any roo without supervision. If you google "dealing with an aggressive rooster" you will find many articles on how to deal with it if that becomes the case, or make the choice not to keep him if it comes to that. It will be up to you how much you are willing to deal with. Good luck, hopefully he turns out to be a sweet one.

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