This girl tugged at my heartstrings, what do you all think?

Buxton Ducks

10 Years
Jan 16, 2012
Buxton, Maine
I was at the feed store and there was this poor old girl sitting by herself. She looked to be very old and somebody had just abandoned her. The nice people at the store gave her to me as she seems too old to lay eggs and too skinny to eat. They know me very well and knew she would be going to a good home. She has already joined up with my belgian D'Anvers pair and is eating like a pig. She is fairly strong but refuses to leave the comfort of the coop and she huddles in the corner to sleep (instead of perching). Is there anything I should do special for this girl? Is there a possibility she is just sick and not that old?

She may be ill, but maybe just starved. Feed her, and give her time. She may have been kept in a tiny cage, and isn't used to open air and walking about and freedom. Just give her time. Even old hens lay, just not as much. They will be of good quality and size though, and may produce good chicks.
Thanks for the advice Marty. I will keep feeding her all the treats she wants and coax her out into the fresh air and sunlight. Don't worry, she has a safe covered run to chill in.
I have several charity cases at my house too. I have a girl who got so dehydrated she almost died. Literally she couldn't walk. I brought her in and fed her and gave her electrolytes and Then I made her her own area outside to relax and eat and drink and brought her in the coop every night and it has been months since then and I am so happy to report she does hang out in the coop a lot because the roosters don't leave her alone but she eats and drinks and I even catch her out in the yard too sometimes. She walks now but doesn't stay standing all the time like most chickens. But she takes care of herself and lays great eggs! This could be what is wrong with your lil girl. My girl got the way she is because she was so afraid of the other chickens in the coop she refused to move from her spot to eat or drink! I never knew chickens would let themselves starve because they are scared.
Did you quarantine her??? You need to quarantine her for at least 30 days. I can't tell you how many times I have bought big birds only to have to cull them because they are sick. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS QUARANTINE!!!! There is one poor person on here that has had to cull his WHOLE FLOCK.... TWICE because of sick birds he brought home.

I have some young chicks that I bought and I am going to have to cull one of them tomorrow. The others will be quarantined for another 30-40 days before I would put them in with other birds.
They had her in quarantine for a month and a half because she could barely walk when they got her. I would see her in the holding pen every time I went and finally made the decision to take her home. I would never chance a sick bird among my flock.
I too take in all the misfits. I have a half blind mentally not well turkey that was given to me as a baby. No he thought she would make it and she is now 5 months old and chirps loudly when I come out to the yard. She also falls asleep in my lap.

I say give her plenty of electrolytes and fresh water and healthy treats. My EE named baby girl even roosts At night now. It took some time though of making sure she had her own water and food so the others wouldnt scare her away from eating and such.

Also add a bantam frizzle to the list of wayward chickens at my house. She looks almost bare. She never feathered out all the way. It's weird but she is still alive and happy.

Wait one more....I have a silkie that has club feet and a crooked beak who I had to help up the ramp every night when he was a baby and now he gets around like you wouldn't believe! Even keeps himself safe from the hawk stalking my flock.

If you have the time and it makes you feel good why not help the handicapped ones out. Your doing a good thing and it's rewarding when they are all better and you gave them a chance :)

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