This Khaki Campbell is what I believe to be a girl?


10 Years
Jul 27, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA



I got 2 Khaki Campbell in August and I had posted pictures on here before and the concensus was 1 boy and 1 girl. Unfortunately I lost the one that we believed to be my drake and hopefully this is Lola. What do you all think? The one that I lost had a greenish colored bill and was bigger than this one.
The reason why I am asking is because I just saw Lola try to grab a chicken by the neck (not aggressively) and now makes me wonder all over again.

Thanks and I think I have finally found her a friend, I just have to travel to PA to get him. Oh and sorry for the murky water, my geese and duck are kind of messy and doesn't take them long to dirty up the pools.

Yep. Boy. You can tell by the dark head & the darker wing tips.
If you get another drake to be his 'friend;, I highly reccomennd getting them each a gal pal to go with.
From my experience, Khakis will form mated pairs. It's so cute!
Well I am glad I posted a new picture of 'him'. If it hadn't been for him trying to grab the back of one of my chickens necks then I wouldn't of thought he was a he.

Ok do you think the one that I lost that had the greenish colored bill was a girl?

Does anyone know where I can get a female Khaki Campbell now? I don't want to get a new breed and have mixed breed ducks right now.

I guess I shouldn't go to PA to get the drake now cause I can't find any females for mates for them.

If I only have the 2 boys until next spring will they fight now?

Thanks again!
I think the one you lost was probably male also, but I'm no expert.

I'd post a WTB on Craigslist, or here on BYC. But Feed stores usually have 'em in the spring.

Depends on tempermant. I'd rather be safe than sorry, though. My duck (her mate died) just hangs out with the chickens and does just fine.
Good luck.
I think the one you lost was probably male also, but I'm no expert.

I'd post a WTB on Craigslist, or here on BYC. But Feed stores usually have 'em in the spring.

Depends on tempermant. I'd rather be safe than sorry, though. My duck (her mate died) just hangs out with the chickens and does just fine.
Good luck.

When you say that Khakis usually are mated pairs does that mean that they will only pair up with their own breed (sorry really new duck owner and I know that this is a stupid question) or does it matter what the breed is?

I just kinda like the khaki campbells but want to get some different breeds in the future, but I don't know if I can even find any type of breed now.

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