This year's eggs Update:Damsel on nest

I still don't have any eggs.
Peahens lay about 4-6 eggs for a clutch, but Ice of course laid 7...The only way I know when Ice has finished her clutch is when she begins to set on the eggs, but some inexperienced peahens might not set on the eggs. If you are taking away her eggs than she will keep laying eggs because she is replacing the ones you take. That is why a lot of breeders take the eggs away and incubate them themselves so they get more eggs meaning a better chance for peachicks.
Are you free-ranging your peahen? She might have eggs hidden away somewhere and you just don't know it. They like laying in hidden places like bushes or tall grass. One book even said they sometimes lay under thick thorn bushes, I am sure their nest is safe there!
I have been looking around, but she mostly just hangs out around their barn and the chicken coop. If she were laying eggs somewhere, I would think that she would be missing.
I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I just candled the eggs now. I had better hopes for the larger egg since I candled the smaller one a few days ago because I still couldn't wait and I didn't see anything that really looked like something was forming.

After candling the eggs just now the smaller one is dark, but I don't think I see veins...Then for the large egg...I turned it and then I noticed lines, veins! They were branched out and connected to a small dark spot in the center of the egg. I was not sure if I should throw out the other egg just yet, so I put it way on the other side of the incubator. Should I get the one in question (the smaller one) out now or wait a while to make sure it is for sure bad. I don't want it to explode and ruin the other egg. This is the end of day 7 in incubation, how much longer can I wait to make sure the smaller one really is bad before it ruins the good one?

I have no idea who laid the egg that is forming, I found it under a roost next to a Japanese Maple tree on the ground. I really hope it keeps forming. I hope a storm doesn't come along and the power goes out...I really hope this goes well because that might be an egg from my pied hen.

I am just glad to finally see a fertile egg.
I might candle again later today because I just like seeing the good egg lol. The smaller one I will keep in there until I am really certain that it doesn't have any life. It looks like the eggs I candled last year that were unfertile but then again the one that has veins looked like any other bad egg until I noticed it did have veins and I saw them connected to the forming chick.

I got a scare last night, the thunder and lightning was horrible and I was afraid our power would go out, luckily it didn't. That happened last year with eggs.

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