Thought I had Indian Runner ducklings but I am not sure. (Question Answered March 13, 2013)


6 Years
Mar 6, 2013
Caldwell, TX
I thought I had Indian Runner ducklings. But after reading some posts I am not sure now. I bought the 2 black ducklings from Tractor Supply in Tomball, TX. They were the only 2 black ones they had. The other 2 black and yellow striped ducklings I bought with them I know to be Mallards.

Can anyone tell me from these photos what breed of duck the black ducklings are? Thank you for your help.

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Do they usually walk kinda upright, like in the second picture? Also, those little 'mallards' may be rouens, judging from the size comparison to the black ones, especially if they're the same age. Rouens are great birds.

Yes the black ones do normally walk around upright kind of speedy like. It is really cute. Their tails tuck straight down to the ground almost between their legs. These are a little better pictures of them. It is so hard to take pictures of them running. They move fast and are skidish. So any time I move they scatter in a flock.
How would I know the difference between the Cayuga and a Runner?

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Runners walk really upright, and cayugas don't - that's the easiest way. I'm sure others could tell you other ways too. I think you have some runners there.
I sure hope I have runners. If they turn out to be another breed that will be okay too. I have always wanted runners since I first saw one.
I'll post more pictures as they get bigger and start feathering out. That way no matter what breed they turn out others will have a reference to tell what breed the ducklings are.

I'll see if I can get some pictures of them running, if that will help.
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The black runners and cayugas will look very similar at such a young age. Wait a few weeks and you'll be able to tell the difference. If runner, then the duckling will walk more upright (especially if you can make it run), also the head and bill with look different than the other duck. It's hard to explain how they look, but if you draw a line from the tip of their head to the tip of their bill, it will be a straight line if a runner. Almost like there isn't much distinction between the head and bill. If a cayuga, then there will be a noticable distinction. Here are some close-up head pictures I got off the internet to show what I am talking about


And the striped one, if its the same size or close in size to the black one, then it's a rouen and not a mallard. Mallards are small ducks whereas the rouens are large ducks. But they do have very similar markings as babies
Thank you, the pics do help a lot. I can see the difference in the shape of the head of each duck in those pictures. I will keep an eye on them and post pictures on this thread as they get bigger. I feel like I have surprise ducks and I am waiting for the present (their feathers) to grow.

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