Thought I was ready but AAAHHH


9 Years
Mar 12, 2014
Hi All, We just got our 6 baby chicks, 3 Buff Orpingtons and 3 Golden Comets. I have been reading up and thought I was ready but am feeling like an over anxious new mom right now!! Yikes! They are so cute & tiny! Already cleaned a pasty butt. One of the chicks looks sort of sad or mopey :( It was sitting off on its own when all the others were cuddling. Then there are the ones that have been pecking at others eyes! Is this normal? I have water and food and paper towels on the bottom of a large rubbermaid tote with a heat lamp leaning in from a metal cookie rack. Man they poop alot ;) I bought a bag of the organic chick crumbles and that is all that's in there for food. Does all this sound OK? Looking for some new mommy reassurance.
Thank you in advance
I am sure there will be lots of other help, but here are mine as I just had my first batch of chicks (they are now 7 weeks old)....

get electrolyte powder to add to the water. I had one sad looking chick and it perked right up after I added it.

Have you thought about wood chips for the brooder? I used pine chips from my local tractor supply store. Mine like to 'dust bathe' in them and fluff it up to sleep in. It is also what I have in my coop now.

Good luck!
Sounds just like my chicks. I got them on Tuesday. At first there were two that seemed to sleep more than the rest. I was worried about them. But they were still active, eating and drinking well when they were awake. Some of mine do tend to sleep alone while the rest are snuggled up together but I figured it is just their personality. I would not want 11 people piled on me while I'm trying to sleep lol.

I agree with Cloesmama, get some electrolytes if you don't have some already. Watch their behavior. Are they active, eating and drinking when they are awake? Eye pecking is normal. They are attracted to shiny things. It will lessen after a few days. You can offer toys or treats as a distraction. I put pine bedding in after they were eating well and that created several ways for them to entertain themselves. I also put in empty toilet paper roll and a wooden parrot ladder. Seems the more they have to peck at the less they peck at each other.

Good luck with your babies! I am sure you are doing a fantastic job of caring for them.

Edit: be sure to offer chick grit if you are going to give treats.
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No worries, I was the same way with my chicks! I was super overprotective and nervous. Sounds like you're doing everything right.

I put hay down in their brooder and they seemed to like laying in it and pecking at it, maybe it helped a bit with their boredom. I also put little pieces of dry wood in their brooder and they loved perching on it. Keep an eye out if the pecking continues and if they start breaking each others skin. I was told to rub a little vaseline on the spot they peck on the other chicks and this will stop it from happening (obviously you can't rub it on their eyes, but this is for other spots). Also what color is the bulb of your heat lamp? I also heard that using a red one helps cut back on the pecking, not sure why. I also starting cutting up some wheatgrass as treats for them when they were that young. Mine stayed extra happy:) Good luck, I'm sure you're doing great!!
I have since put pine shavings down, a toilet paper tube & a stick. They seem pretty happy. Wok up this a.m. To see one on the top go the mason jar feeder!! Argh, time to fully cover my brooder so I don't have escapees!
Sounds alright to me. I would suggest though, getting some medicated baby food for them. Just to help them be protected against some worms that could kill them. Can never be too safe :)

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