Thoughts on 10 wk old Black Australorpe gender


May 9, 2022
My sweet, sweet La Fawnduh’s comb has been looking suspiciously “deeper pink” than I ever noticed…

She’s 9 wks 3 days old

She’s my very best girl…so curious from day one. Always investigating things, but never skittish or scared. Very sweet disposition, and is never ever mean to anyone - hasn’t pecked a soul that I know of. But she also doesn’t get picked on at all. I consider her my “most well-adjusted” chicken! Seeks more attention than the others from me. Lets me give her so much love and doesn’t run away. She comes to me for pets more than any other chick.

Nothing about her suggests rooster, but I’m also a brand new 10 week old chicken mama, so I know nothing!

If she’s a rooster, then she’ll be an awesome one. Just curious to know if anyone has thoughts! Thanks in advance!


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For comparison sake, here’s a picture of one of my pullets around 7 weeks of age. I’m new to chicken keeping myself (my original flock I’ve had about a year).

I have some 19 week old Auatralorps and they had a pale looking comb and wattle like your picture on the left. I see what you mean about the definition though. Hopefully you have a pullet too! Interested to what others will say. 😊


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For comparison sake, here’s a picture of one of my pullets around 7 weeks of age. I’m new to chicken keeping myself (my original flock I’ve had about a year).

I have some 19 week old Auatralorps and they had a pale looking comb and wattle like your picture on the left. I see what you mean about the definition though. Hopefully you have a pullet too! Interested to what others will say. 😊
Awe she is a beauty♥️ Thanks for your input - I think I may just be paranoid! 🥴

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