Thoughts on the Flat panel heaters for the coop?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 31, 2014
Does any one have suggestions, or experience on the flat panel wall heaters? Looking to get one just so the water cooler & nipples don't freeze. Looking at a cozy legs one on amazon either 150 watt or 400 watt. Not sure the 150Watt would be enough? My coop is about 8X6 with high ceilings its a shed.

Found what I think is the same product on amazon compare to the one I found on shop the coop, any suggestions would be helpful :)

Does it get so cold there you have to heat your chicken coop? Are they fancy chickens? In all my years of owning chickens, in two different winter climates, I have never had to heat my chicken coop.

Temperatures get down below 0 for weeks at a time, and never did we heat the coop, all the chickens survived and continued to lay eggs. The waterers did require a heat coil, but that is to be expected.

It seems to me, as long as your birds have a place to escape the wind, rain, and other elements, they will be fine on their own.

Their are many cold hearty varieties as well if you require a more sturdy bird.
They are all cold Hearty breeds I think? This is my first year with the ladies, I have 10 3-Light Brahmas, 3 Easter Eggers, 3 Barred Rocks, and 1 Golden Comet I was told. They are about 13 weeks old it is pretty cold already about 20 degrees or slightly lower and I had already decided that I was NOT going to necessarily "Heat" the Coop as they are doing well already and I compare it to blanketing horses or not blanketing for the winter.

I think with all the research I have done it is healthier and safer to not Heat the coop but I hit the wall this week when there water supply "an igloo lg cooler w/ the bright tap attachment" froze!! I felt so bad saturday morning I went to let them out and checked and they where looking at me like hey lady!! what the heck!!! They all went around the nice warm regular plastic gallon waterer I put out for them going on and on like I was cruela davil!!

so now I am faced with the decision to invest in a heated waterer without nipples or try the flat panel heater to keep it warm enough that the bright tap one I already have does not freeze. My Niebor's have one for there coop and it does a great job just keeping it above freezing but I'm torn??

New Hampshire winters are a funny thing like all around New England It can be freezing cold for weeks or have a 50 degree day in the middle of the winter so I guess we just hang in there and see what comes LOL!
I got a heated dog water bowl... and it keeps their water from freezing, holding nearly a gallon. It works well. At night, I unplug it so I don't worry, but during the day the girls have non-frozen water. I got the "Cozy Coop" panel heater too, and it has GREAT reviews... but despite the reviews, i"m afraid to put it inside the coop because the thought of fire scares me to death! But the heated water bowl is outside in the run, on a wooden crate (off the ground - so the water stays cleaner too).
It would be easier to comment if you posted a photo of the water container... My 5 gallon bucket with a 250w submersible heater kept the water flowing down to 0°F last winter and it is out in the open. The key is to insulate the nipples. Before I added the foam insulation I could not keep the water flowing and I tried both vertical and horizontal nipples in the same bucket with no difference in the temperature they froze at.

Nipples installed

Foam insulation

Bottom from a second bucket to protect the foam

The thermostatically controlled heater

Where it lives year round.


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