Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

So I got all these duck eggs from Skillswife, and they all candled well but the air cells seem big to me. When do you start misting your duck eggs, and when do you bump humidity for lockdown? I think I am going to set up a dedicated Hatcher for these guys. I only ever had one duck egg before and I did manage to hatch it. Gave it to my neighbor, she adores it. Even got him a buddy.:)

What kind of ducks? Lockdown is day 25 for most, but different for calls and scovies I think. Were they shipped? I think my shipped eggs have bigger air cells than non shipped.
Wow, thats crazy. Not sure what kind of biz they are running there. I hope I get my ducklings
I'm a little worried now with what has happened to you. Blow up their computer with emails.

It's pretty stinkin' cold. I'm in a robe and the heat is on 72. I just CANT get warm right now.

ChickenCrazy: Haven't heard anything from PR. It's been 3 days. I'm going to have to file a greivance with paypal to try and get my money back. I can't believe they are ignoring me like this. They should check their bank account.
The only duck with a different length of incubation is the Scovy.

We are in FL, this is what works for US here, but always willing to share what we do with others.

Temp: 99.5 or there abouts, slightly higher is OK and by slightly 0.1 -0.5, I try to not go over 100.5

Humidity: 35-40% until lock down then it goes to 70-80%

Duck eggs ride in the turner standing up, pointy end down until lock down, then they go on their sides.

Goose eggs ride sideways (laying down) in the turner shelf (we use a large cabinet bator) until lock down, then they are put on their side. I also hand turn the goose eggs when I mist. So on their side turner rocks back and forth, and then I flip them over 180 when misting.

Misting starts around day 6, 2-3 times a day.


Set day to check the eggs for any damage
day 6-8 tc heck for deelopmet
lockdown to pull quiters

I will check 24 into lockdown (if no etxernal pips showing) by candling once more to see how many internally pipped.

We raise multiple breeds of ducks and geese as well as chickens and hatch year round.
Hey guys! Guess what?!?!

When I got up this morning and did my first check on the ducklings... I couldn't tell Twist apart from the others. His neck is no longer twisted!!!!!! Woo hoo!!!!
Questions about duck incubation:

There are two type of humidity measurements: wet bulb and relative humidity. We try to keep relative humidity between 45-55% for incubation and 70-75% for hatching. Temperature is 99.5 measured at top of egg for incubators with fans.... add 2 degrees for still air bators.

I mark my eggs on front and back with x & o, lay them horizontally (unless they have damaged aircells), and turn them one-half turn 3 times per day. I do not mist my duck eggs. I do not bump humidity up until I know they have internally pipped, which can be verified by candling or listening to the click click sound of breathing with a steth placed on viewing window of bator. Also, just before pipping, the air cell makes a huge dip. I stop turning eggs when they begin to dip, and make sure to place eggs with dip side up for hatching.

One other important point... make sure your thermometer and hygrometer are accurate. Fish tank thermometers are pretty accurate. Accurite makes a nice digital combo set. It sells at Home Depot for $12.

Just a few tips from a beginner hatcher with pretty decent success. Best of luck!
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Here is a pick of the 5 Ancona ducklings I decided to keep. I can't beleive how much bigger freckles is getting compared to the rest, she is going to be a big girl I think. Thats her at the top, she is 1 day older than the rest and growing fast. She may be big enough I can stick her with the one girl I kept from a hatch 2-3 weeks before this hatch in another week or so.

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