Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

We usually buy it a couple bags at a time simply because we don't have a great place for storing bulk feed....... So while were on the feed topic what all do you guys feed and why?
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we average 700-900lbs of feed every two weeks. rabbits, goats, waterfowl, chickens, and dogs

Marty you have to start hatching again and posting about it. honestly though been hatching over here since October and still going srtong rolling into the busy season. I am sure it will pick up again as spring hits those of you in the frozen winter parts of the country.

Still..................hope you can get back on here more as spring approaches.
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We tried several different feeds this last year since feed prices went up. Even feeding Purina it was getting rather costly with all the ducks and growing birds but we ended up running into some issues with the other feeds and came back to Purina. We do flock raiser with calf manna and a fish based cat kibble. We found really all of the Purina feeds to be lacking vitamins and minerals needed for breeding flocks.
We usually buy it a couple bags at a time simply because we don't have a great place for storing bulk feed....... So while were on the feed topic what all do you guys feed and why?
Mazuri, Whole wheat, whole oats for the water fowl

the feed blend we do and the mazuri is after three years of trying feeds and blends and chatting with old breeders of top geese from the US and UK both.
It is also based on the fact that we have grass year round. All feed is weighed/measured per bird or group we are feeding. We have the best fertility, weight retension, and feather quality on the mix we do now. After switching and trying Purina's All flock and seeing the weight loss and awful feather quality we had from ducks to geese it wasnt worth the savings per bag.

Purina Omega3 layer, whole oats, whole wheat for the chickens

other animals.............

Rabbit show chow by purina

Noble goat

The working dogs get Wolf King and freshly butchered rabbit, duck, chicken

Those who we have sold birds to who have switched to what and how we feed have also reported visual changes in their birds for the better. I like the less waste of feed and better use of feed. When butchering you can get a good idea if they are digesting well or just passing it through.
The main flock gets all flock or gamebird grower (nutrena, they ate molted feathers and picked at food and just weren't happy on purina). They get about 5 parts of that to 1 part whole corn daily, with 1 part whole oats 2-3 times a week. The penned birds get a little bit of wheat grass, and the free range birds get table scraps. The seramas get bird seed instead of the other grains. Everyone is happy so I plan on sticking with this, only switching to oats daily and corn 2-3 times a week once spring arrives.
Nutrena All flock here........ Hubby is against Purina anything 2 parts to 1 part Boss and 1part oats currently adding 1 part scratch just through the worst of the cold. Fred (Roman goose) adds weight quick if allowed much corn so I keep a close eye on her to tell me if the flock is getting more then they need right now. Chickens and turkeys also have a Flock Block in their pens to give them something to do since free ranging isn't always an option and I give the geese first opportunity at what ever grass is out there. Plus hay as needed to munch on and play with.

Tried adding layer food into the water fowl mix and I've got 2 that wont eat it. So I'll just make sure everyone has oyster shell as well as the grit where I can dig it outta the snow
Long time no talk!

Yes, I have a secret flock! LOL I even bought some more 2 monthes ago, so now I have my grandmas and a new small flock and 2 youngsters. Mottled javas for me.

I know 4 rescues are at my place, and I wouldn't trade them. Dude, the toulouse fellow is a fine thumping laddie. The white africans may be white but they are no angles! They love to be in chrage, and fuss at the other geese & I for anything we do. LOL I love them, and they are beautiful!
I bought some more too! lol. They are great little layers. (for the most part.)
Hey QJ........ I talk to you on the facebook but glad to see you back to the old thread again.
Hey Coyote!
Hey QJ! Glad things are going well. Wish your computer would cooperate to let you hang out with us more! The rescue is done. I got metzer to go get 31 geese from the place in cali and I also placed 52 of the 69 I took home with me. I lost one in shipping to a new home, but the rest are spread all over the country now. I feel really good about the adoption placements but for one adopter. Now, hubby and I are in full design and building mode getting our guys sorted in time for breeding season. Always something to do around here.

Coyote, congrats!! I see the cutie chick in corner of pic.

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That's great Utah. Get to building! lol. I need to do the same thing.
SM!!!!!! What's up girl!

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