Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Told you I would get better pics ........ These are my keepers for now. I like to take photos of them as ducklings so if they get a nice pattern as adults I can look back on what they hatched out looking like which gives me a better idea of what certain characteristic markings will do in the grow out pen..... I don't waste my time with certain markings.

Happy to hear and see all the new babies!
LOVE the pictures.
Told you I would get better pics ........ These are my keepers for now. I like to take photos of them as ducklings so if they get a nice pattern as adults I can look back on what they hatched out looking like which gives me a better idea of what certain characteristic markings will do in the grow out pen..... I don't waste my time with certain markings.

Told you I would get better pics ........ These are my keepers for now. I like to take photos of them as ducklings so if they get a nice pattern as adults I can look back on what they hatched out looking like which gives me a better idea of what certain characteristic markings will do in the grow out pen..... I don't waste my time with certain markings.

So sweet! Thanks for sharing.

~ Aspen
My geese are pets.
They were got with the intention of them being pets though, and will stay that way. I do have a few pet chickens and ducks, but the majority are livestock. If I ever breed/hatch out more geese here I plan on having at least one for christmas dinner. I do not look down on anyone that does eat theirs and I think it's silly that just because someone's birds are their pets they think everyone should have the same mindset as them. Hubby is the main vetoing factor in eating them here. I'm trying to find somewhere I can take my extra cockerals and drakes to be processed, or just process myself somewhere he won't see and cry about though. Realistically there just isn't going to be a place for every drake or rooster, and I would rather mine have a good life and end up in my freezer than give them away to be neglected or treated bad by someone.
or she sends the drakes to me

Sounds like so much fun! I grew up here in the city, but was sent to my grandparents to spend summers. They didn't have a "farm: so much, though they are in the middle of the country, their land was leased to the rest of the family who operated the farm part. They had loads of barn cats and sometimes a few dairy steers or pigs in the barn and a huge garden and orchard. My great uncle is the one who operated the family farm though, and was only a mile down the road so I would go with grandpa while he went to help out each day. I loved going down the rows of calf huts and letting them suck on my hands, lol. They had muscovies on occasion, and broilers and pigs and a few horses but with the cute little calves my attention was pretty much occupied. I was also around a few times when it came time to butcher the chickens, and thought it was interesting rather than sad but stayed as clear as possible because of the smell.
Now they just get their poultry from the amish. They had goats when I was really little, but they went bye bye because they did too much damage to the cars.
I will keep that in mind, thanks! I'm running a test hatch with my eggs right now since my last 2 hatches have been awful to make sure it was just shipped eggs/hard to hatch breeds causing my issues but after that...hatching goose eggs is always fun. Maybe I can talk Jerry and Psue into letting me bring my birds when they butcher in exchange for helping with theirs so hubby doesn't have to see me "killing his pets", lol.
Lmbo, same here. He HID in the house when I did the meat chickens. And yet he talks about wanting to go hunting. I don't get it.
Somehow they are different I guess because they are "ours" (MINE lol). I've tried telling him that they are better because they are ours, but he doesn't get it.
Your welcome to come butcher anytime

You guys are awesome who can process the animals. I wish that I wasn't such a wimp about it..... I'm kinda squeamish
I was chased around as a kid with squirrel guts and brains and yeah I just don't do blood and guts. Although I'm wanting to try some Ancona duck one of these days because I hear great things about it. I think chickens or ducks would be the perfect thing to learn on because of the size not being so intimidating.

Update in the hatching room! 2 more Anconas are hatched one looks like it might be a silver and the other a black but not loving it so another one not going in the grow out pen. The ones I'm going to grow out it does not mean I'm going to keep them for breeders. A lot of evaluating ....... growing ...... evaluating....... growing...... evaluating etc...... goes into choosing breeders. Just because they look good now doesn't mean they will grow into the ducks that I hope they do. The markings are a challenge in Anconas and I've found that some will get more color and some more white as they grow and mature. As a general rule I don't keep any that hatch out with large patches of color on the back that is an annoying pattern that is so hard to get rid of. You also don't see body carriage at this age either.

Oh and I got 1 penciled runner hatched out! I'm kinda excited about that one because the hen that laid that egg was killed by the bobcat. That little duckling is the last I have of that gorgeous girl.
Start with chickens... waterfowl are harder but not horrid.... Your welcome to come up with Julie on butcher day

Told you I would get better pics ........ These are my keepers for now. I like to take photos of them as ducklings so if they get a nice pattern as adults I can look back on what they hatched out looking like which gives me a better idea of what certain characteristic markings will do in the grow out pen..... I don't waste my time with certain markings.

love the spots
You guys are awesome who can process the animals. I wish that I wasn't such a wimp about it..... I'm kinda squeamish
I was chased around as a kid with squirrel guts and brains and yeah I just don't do blood and guts. Although I'm wanting to try some Ancona duck one of these days because I hear great things about it. I think chickens or ducks would be the perfect thing to learn on because of the size not being so intimidating.

Update in the hatching room! 2 more Anconas are hatched one looks like it might be a silver and the other a black but not loving it so another one not going in the grow out pen. The ones I'm going to grow out it does not mean I'm going to keep them for breeders. A lot of evaluating ....... growing ...... evaluating....... growing...... evaluating etc...... goes into choosing breeders. Just because they look good now doesn't mean they will grow into the ducks that I hope they do. The markings are a challenge in Anconas and I've found that some will get more color and some more white as they grow and mature. As a general rule I don't keep any that hatch out with large patches of color on the back that is an annoying pattern that is so hard to get rid of. You also don't see body carriage at this age either.

Oh and I got 1 penciled runner hatched out! I'm kinda excited about that one because the hen that laid that egg was killed by the bobcat. That little duckling is the last I have of that gorgeous girl.
Yay for the runner girl's little duckling!
I have about two dozen new ducklings hatched out! I was going to snap some pix this evening, but it was pouring rain and I was soaked to the I didn't.

How is everyone?

~ Aspen
Congrats on the ducklings! Yuck on the rain, we can wait for pics until a nicer day. No rain here, and it was beautiful out but I could barely walk because of sinking in the mud everywhere. My ducks think they are in heaven with all the mucky stuff everywhere to drill their holes in though.
Told you I would get better pics ........ These are my keepers for now. I like to take photos of them as ducklings so if they get a nice pattern as adults I can look back on what they hatched out looking like which gives me a better idea of what certain characteristic markings will do in the grow out pen..... I don't waste my time with certain markings.
or she sends the drakes to me

Your welcome to come butcher anytime

Start with chickens... waterfowl are harder but not horrid.... Your welcome to come up with Julie on butcher day

love the spots

And if not chickens, start with quail. Mean stinky no personality little things. I highly recommend them for learning to process on, lol.
Yay for the runner girl's little duckling!
Congrats on the ducklings! Yuck on the rain, we can wait for pics until a nicer day. No rain here, and it was beautiful out but I could barely walk because of sinking in the mud everywhere. My ducks think they are in heaven with all the mucky stuff everywhere to drill their holes in though.

And if not chickens, start with quail. Mean stinky no personality little things. I highly recommend them for learning to process on, lol.
I'm trying not to complain too much about the rain, a it's the first we've had in months. Our wheat needs it badly! However, it did create a lot more work for me. My pens are filthy. *sigh*

~ Aspen
I can't even imagine a world with no rain in January (or February, or March, or get the idea)!
This summer I need to have a huge load of drainage rock delivered for my horse paddock. It's a slippery, muddy mess right now. I hate it. I have so much work to do outside, but all I want to do is curl up on the couch with my book.

Cute Ancona ducklings, Coyote!

Marty - your avatar reminds me of my mom. She has this weird phobia of feathers. She likes birds fine as long as they aren't flapping their wings, but she comes unglued if one flies at her or tries to land on her.

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