Thread formerly known as Hatch day is today

Hey Guys i don't know if any of you guys hatch call duck eggs but how long due you wait for them to make a hole on their own? i got one that i drilled a small hole on top after 24 hours of internal pip, poor thing been pecking but no extrenal pip yet after 24 odd hours :(
I don't know... I wonder if a goose would break duck eggs. You could try.
Thinking about it. Not sure I want more ducklings though. (did I just write that?)

Happy hatching &
on the full bators!

I just went through my whole bator today .....
I gotsa alotsa eggggs

I just hatched 12 goslings today (one is a big american buff & the rest are chinese & aftricans)

So I am running out of room ! Good thing I have my last Emu egg in Lockdown, and I have more Goose, Chicken, and duck going into LD tomorrow

So it turns out I have
49 duck
2 peacock
6 Guinea
90 Chicken (28 Ohikis, the rest Brahmas, & speckled Sussex)
150 goose eggs (holy carp ! When I add them all together....) 19 Dewlap, 14 Sebbies,8 Embden, 87 Chinese & African
1 Emu

(not that everything will hatch of course)
Holey Carp! And everyone thought I was hatch crazed this year!
You can give her duck eggs! My mom pawned off a dozen reuns (sp?) onto a goose that lost her eggs to the dog. The ducks did eventually join the duck tribe.
Good to know. It's probably best that I didn't know that this afternoon when the bosses' broody duck gave up her nest. I'd be in trouble then!
the Chocolate Scovies finally layed today

now to see if I can break a broody goose.... she hasn't even laid enough eggs to earn broody
I'm in the same boat. I have so many eggs in bators that I'm scared to generate any more babies for a while.
They were tossed in with a goose auction, I guess they are white? I have never hatched one ~ they turned out to be my nemisis

We know how much you love them ~ no reason to be jealous

I would not be hatching so many if I did not have them selling like hotcakes at the local auction every Saturday. I am the only one who is hatching them & bringing them in, so I bring in 15-20 goslings & chickens & ducklings at a few days to a week old & someone else gets to brood them
So no house visits, CL or flakes.

I just picked up the 85 goose eggs at auction last saturday for $24 ~ So I staggered the eggs, so they would be hatching a few days apart ~ not all at once
Are the ducklings still going for about a buck a piece? I was so disappointed in the prices they were going for when I was there last.

I might have to bring down some goslings at some point, but not counting them until they hatch.

How the heck did you get such a good price for goose eggs?

And since we seem to buy eggs at the same places: do you remember what the heck kind of goose eggs they've been selling at CC? I got home and couldn't remember.

Holy byjoley, I just risked a super speedy candling and it looks like they've all pipped internally I.e. I can see shadows in the air sacs. That sound right for internal pips? Can't hear anything though. Ahhhhhh shocker!
Yup. They're either internally pipped or they're working on it.
Egg pipped small end.
I tried to help and It's bleeding everywhere.. Bad.
I think It;s going to drown in its own blood.. How do I fix it? :(
In don't have time...
Hope these girls can help you. Go slow. If you have to tip the egg so they blood isn't suffocating the duckling, do it.
Hey Guys i don't know if any of you guys hatch call duck eggs but how long due you wait for them to make a hole on their own? i got one that i drilled a small hole on top after 24 hours of internal pip, poor thing been pecking but no extrenal pip yet after 24 odd hours :(
I've never hatched calls, hope someone has good advice for you. Bantam ducks are my nemesis when it comes to hatching.
This thread is giving me some great advice! Thanks everyone. Three more days until hatch day. Oh the suspense is KILLING me! First time ever doing this. I think I am more excited about this than when I went into labor myself. Is that not crazy? HA! Good luck to everyone hatching!
Another Bator ??? Why not

Auction is just like a lottery ticket ~ sometimes you score, sometimes you get nothing & sometimes you score big, Just depends on the day. Or Like a Box of Chocolates

Well Neb good luck
Just because I hatch alot of eggs doesn't mean I do not get excited too ... But never like your first time
This thread is giving me some great advice! Thanks everyone. Three more days until hatch day. Oh the suspense is KILLING me! First time ever doing this. I think I am more excited about this than when I went into labor myself. Is that not crazy? HA! Good luck to everyone hatching!
I know that feeling. I prefer to schedule lockdowns when I'm going to be away a lot. That way I'm not checking for babies every 15 minutes like the fuzzybutt-crazed lady I am!
Another Bator ??? Why not

Auction is just like a lottery ticket ~ sometimes you score, sometimes you get nothing & sometimes you score big, Just depends on the day. Or Like a Box of Chocolates

Well Neb good luck
Just because I hatch alot of eggs doesn't mean I do not get excited too ... But never like your first time
I get paid on Saturday. I'm thinking seriously about it, but part of me hopes it's gone by then. I've got entirely too much going on right now. If I can get the boss to hand over the paycheck early, I might come down. I'm still at full capacity though, so it might not be a good idea.

I have three goose eggs in ld right now. Dangit, I want a dewlap african baby so bad!
So apparently, all four of my ducks have decided to go mildly broody. They are sharing a nest, and taking turns sitting two ducks at a time on the nest all day. I have allowed them to sit on 6 eggs, since I really don't need anymore ducks... Who am I kidding?? I'd hatch ducks and chickens all year long if I had a place to put them!! Now to wait 28+/- days to see how many hatch.
I know that feeling. I prefer to schedule lockdowns when I'm going to be away a lot. That way I'm not checking for babies every 15 minutes like the fuzzybutt-crazed lady I am!
I get paid on Saturday. I'm thinking seriously about it, but part of me hopes it's gone by then. I've got entirely too much going on right now. If I can get the boss to hand over the paycheck early, I might come down. I'm still at full capacity though, so it might not be a good idea.

I have three goose eggs in ld right now. Dangit, I want a dewlap african baby so bad!

I work only weekends so Sunday I will be away from 6am-2:30pm but I know my mind will not be on patients, but rather on my "babies." HA! I am on lockdown mode. My incubator beeped today and quit turning the eggs. I quickly placed the hatching tray in there and closed it. Hopefully the next time I open it I will be lifting out two fuzzy cute Welsh Harlequin babies (GIRLS I hope!)

BEST of luck in getting your dewlap african baby! Crossing my fingers for you :)
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